unit 6 vocab Flashcards
anomalous (adj)
abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual
aspersion (n)
a damaging or derogatory statement
bizarre (adj)
extremely strange, unusual, atypical
brusque (adj)
abrupt, blunt, with no formalitites
cajole (v)
to coax, persuade through flattery or artiface
castigate (v)
to punish serverely; to crticisize severely
contrive (v)
to plan with ingenuity; to bring out through a plan
demagogue (n)
a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
disabbuse (v)
to free from deception or error, to set right in ideas or thinking
ennui (n)
weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of ocupation or interest, boredom
fetter (n)
a chain or shackle placed on the feet; anything that confines or restrains
heinous (adj)
very wicked, offensive, hateful
immutable (adj)
not subject to change, constant
insurgent (n)
one who rebels or rises against authority
megalomania (n)
a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent; far in excess of reality