Unit 6 Vocab. Flashcards
Atone syn. expiate, make amends for
V. to make up for
Bondage syn. servitude, captivity, subjection, dependance Ant. freedom, liberty, independence
N. slavery; any state of being bound or held down
Credible syn. plausible, acceptable, likely Ant. unbelievable, implausible, improbable
Adj. Believable
Defray syn. settle, bear the cost, foot the bill
V. to pay for
Diligent syn. assiduous, sedulous Ant. lazy, indolent, cursory, perfunctory
Adj. hardworking, industrious, not lazy
Doleful syn. sorrowful, mournful, melancholy, dolorous Ant. cheerful, blithe, jaunty, buoyant
Adj. sad; dreary
Ghastly syn. dreadful, appalling, gruesome, grisly Ant. pleasant, agreeable, attractive, delightful
Adj. frightful, horrible; deathly pale
Hamper syn. hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit Ant. facilitate, ease, smooth the way
V. to hold back
Hew syn. chop, hack, fell, adhere, conform
V. to shape or cut down with an ax; to hold to
Impoverished syn. poverty-stricken, destitute, indigent Ant. rich, wealthy, affluent, prosperous
Adj. poor, in a state of poverty, depleted
Incessant syn. ceaseless, constant, uninterrupted, Ant. occasional, sporadic, intermittent
Adj. never stopping, going on all the time
Intricate syn. complex, convoluted Ant. simple, uninvolved, uncomplicated
Adj. complicated; difficult to understand
Lucid syn. limpid, intelligible Ant. murky, muddy, obscure, unintelligible
Adj. easy to understand, clear, rational, sane
Posthumous syn. postmortem Ant. prenatal
Adj. occurring or published after death
Prim syn. fussy, fastidious, squeamish
Adj. overly neat, precise, proper, or formal; prudish