Unit 6 - The Konigsberg Bridge problem Flashcards
Is a sequence of adiacent nodes and their corresponding edges.
When a walk is closed?
A walk is closed when the walk return to the initial node.
Length of the walk
The number of edges in the walk.
Connected graph
There is a path from any point to any other point in the graph.
A graph with only one node and any number of loops is connected?
Directed walk in a diagraph
Is a walk in with all arows point in the same direction.
Strongly conneccted diagraph
If for every two nodes u and v, there is a directed path from u to v and from v to u.
Eulerian trail
The walk does not contain any edge twice.
The walk contains all edges of the graph.
Eulerian circuit
The walk does not contain any edge twice.
The walk contains all edges of the graph.
The beginning and the end of the walk are the same.
Eulerian graph
A graph containing an eulerian circuit.
In an Eulerian graph, the degree of each node is even or odd?
When a connected graph is Eulerian?
A connected graph is Eulerian if and only if the degree of each node is even.
When a diagraph is eulerian?
If it’s strongly connected and, for each node, it is true that the input degree is equal to the output degree.
What is Hierholzer’s algorithm used for? Explain the procedure of this algorithm.
Hierholzer’s algorithm is used to determine Eulerian cycles in an undirected graph. Prerequisites: Connected graph that has only nodes with even degree.
1. Choose a node and construct from it a subcycle K that does not pass through any edge twice.
2. If K is an Eulerian cycle, then break off. Otherwise, continue to step 3.
3. Neglect all edges of K.
4. At the first vertex of K, let a second subcycle K2 arise which contains no edge of K and no edge of the original graph twice.
5. Insert the second circle K2 into K.
6. Continue with step 2.
Explain the postman problem. Give two concrete examples from practice.
Walk all streets with minimal effort and return to starting point; examples include delivery services, street cleaning, city tour.