unit 6 logic Flashcards
empty set
∅ or { }
proper subset, if A⊆ B but A≠ B
x:x∈ A and x∉B
power set
set of all subsets of S, { T: T⊆ S}.
number of (distinct) elements in S
an expression with a truth value(TRUEor FALSE).
WFF of propositional logic
any of: a propositional variable not A A intersection B A union B if A then B, 1101
Satisfiable WFF
If there is an interpretation in which the WFF is true
Tautology (WFF)
When WFF is true in every interpretation
Contradiction (WFF)
When WFF is false in every interpretation
Contingent (WFF)
When WFF is true in some and false in other
Logically equivalent (WFF)
Same truth value
argument consists of?
premises and a conclusion
argument is valid if
there is no interpretation in which the premises are TRUE and the conclusion is FALSE
a property of some object x or the relationship between two or more objectsx, y, etc., written p(x), p(x, y), etc.
universal quantifier∀
denotes “all”, “every”, or“any”
existential quantifier∃
some”, “exists”, or “there is”
∀X.loves(X, adele)
Everyone loves Adele
∃X.loves(adele, X)
Adele loves someone.
Well-formed formulae of predicate logic
A WFF of propositional logic is: given a set of constant, variable or predicate symbols a WFF is:
an atomic formula
a WFF of propositional logic
∀v.A where v is a variable symbol and A is a WFF
∃v.A where v is a variable symbol and A is a WFF
Atomic formula
p(t1,t2..tn) where p is a predicate symbol of arity n and each of t1..tn is a constant symbol or variable symbol
bound variable
a variable that occurs within the scope of a quantifier
free variable
a variable that appears outside the scope of a quantifier
sentence of predicate logic
a WFF in which every variable is bound
SELECT columns FROM table WHERE condition
if and only if it can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence with some subset of the natural numbersℕ= {1, 2, 3, …}
countably infinite
if and only if it can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers
if noone-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers is possible.