Unit 6 Learning Aim C Flashcards
Which department is responsible for funding?
The Treasury
What are 4 different central government direct taxation methods?
•income tax
•corporation tax
•property tax
•inheritance tax
What are 3 different central government indirect taxation methods?
•sales tax
•service tax
What are 3 other sources of funding for protective services?
•income and rents charged by public service organisations
•national lottery
What does austerity mean?
Austerity refers to strict policies that a government imposes to control growing public debt, as is a policy whereby spending on protective services is cut to try and balance the books.
What are 3 things austerity can have an impact on?
•The protective service
•Protective service employees
•The communities that they serve
How can austerity (budget cuts) impact protective services?
•Lack of resources
•Slower response times
•Reduced man power
•Poorer service to the community
•Station closures
What is financial accountability?
It’s important that the money allocated to each service is spent wisely and budgets aren’t overstretched.
Financial accountability consists of…
•effective use of budgets
•maintaining public confidence
•sharing good practice through publication of audit reports
What is employer accountability?
•Fair recruitment practice
•Health and safety
•Fair treatment (wellbeing of workers)
•Working time regulations
•Working practices and procedures
What is the definition of a stakeholder/ individual accountability ?
Anybody who can affect or is affected by an organisation, strategy or project. They can be junior or senior levels.
For example… All employees of the PSNI are are accountable for themselves & their actions. They are also accountable for other individuals who are known as stakeholders.
What a judicial review?
It’s a type of court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body
•decisions relating to prisoners rights
•certain decisions of the immigration authorities