Unit 6 - Altered Working / Out Of Course Situations, Failures, Incidents And Emergencies Flashcards
How would you identify if altered methods of working are in operation?
Production of working tickets RT3194, RT3193 pilotman
What are the requirements and risks associated with passing signals at danger, temporary block working, SLW by pilotman including any safety system isolations required?
Authority from signaller/pilotman.
SLW ticket or TBW ticket,
Advise train manager, reduced speed no more than 50mph, miscommunication, track workers, level crossings.
What are the arrangements for notifying a driver of temporary and emergency speed restrictions?
Late notice case,
Signaller stopping train
And advising W.O.N
Describe the reporting process for exceptional railhead conditions and actions required when performing a controlled test stop?
- Is the location listed as a known in the sectional appendix
- is it exceptional based on your driving experience
- during the lead fall season consider the last fore-cast status, is it a red or black day?
- bad weather conditions
Perform a controlled stop considering all of the above and drive as you would considering the scenario
What actions must you take and what must you consider when approaching failed level crossings?
- Use route knowledge to assess how you should approach the crossing as some you are required to stop short and others you approach cautiously.
- Bear in mind if ECS must have coaching stock lit
- Ensure a clear understanding is reached with the signaller as to the method of control at the crossing, is it under an attendants local control
- Is there a signal on approach to the crossing. Remember a green hand signal from an attendant does not authorise you past a red signal.
What actions must you take and what must you consider when requested to make a wrong direction move not controlled by signals?
Speed of train,
Frequent use of horn,
Level crossings and track workers
Describe the protection arrangements for an engineers possession?
Worksite market boards double sided with double flashing red lights one side and double flashing yellow lights on the other,
detonator at signal protecting possession
What actions are required when requested to examine the line and why this may be necessary?
Run at reduced speed,
Be prepared to stop short,
Stop and report back to signaller your findings,
In darkness carry your lamp if required to go trackside,
To check if any defect on the line, track circuit failure, body on the line, broken rail
When May a special stop or not to stop authority be issued and by whom?
Authority of FGW control.
Issued at station platform by station supervisor
What are the actions in reporting line side signage missing or displayed incorrectly?
Report immediatley: Limit of shunts Possession boards Stop boards PSRs boards TSRs boards ESRs boards
First convenient opportunity :
Countdown boards
Low adhesion boards
What actions must you take and what must you consider when approaching failed level crossings?
AHBC - Automatic half-Barrier crossing
ABCL - Automatic barrier crossing locally monitored
AOCL - Automatic open crossing locally monitored
R/G - Red and green crossing
MCB - Manned crossing with barriers
MG - Manned crossing with gates
RC - Remote controlled with barriers
CCTV - barrier crossing with cctv
TMO - Traincrew operated
OC - open crossing without barriers, gates or road warning lights.
UWC - User worked crossing
Must report to signaller immediately if any defect or irregularity with level crossing equipment.
If the gates have been left open you must report to signaller in the quickest way possible.
If crossing put under local control must only pass if hand signaller shows a green flag and you have been told :
• An AHBC is under local control.
• To make a wrong-direction movement over a CCTV or RC that is under local control
• To make a movement in either direction over a CCTV or RC that is under local control on a line under possession.
What are the action and reporting procedures for potential obstructions of the line such as large animals within the boundary fence or actual obstructions of the line?
Stop contact signaller by using SG button, then protect lines with emergency protection if you get no assurance from the signaller.
What actions and reporting procedures when observing an actual or potential problem with a passing train?
Try warning oncoming train with flashing headlights or red lights,
Then stop your train press SG button on GSMR. Give location and what line Etc.
What are the actions and reporting procedures when observing damage to or an obstruction of the OHLE?
Contact signaller.
If required also ECO
What constitutes flooding or build up of snow and actions and what are the reporting procedures when these circumstances are observed?
You must report to the signaller, stopping your train specially to do so if necessary, if you see any flood water that might affect the passage of trains. You must tell the signaller if you believe the flood water:
•is up to the bottom of the rail head
•is up to the top of the rail head
•is above the top of the rail head
•is moving and likely to dislodge the ballast
•has dislodged the ballast.
You must arrange for Operations Control to be told if vehicles are stabled in or pass through flood water above the bottom of the axle box.
100mph max or
10mph below top speed of traction
When and how should you inform customers of problems to the infrastructure?
By using the PA if DOOP – when safe to do so. Via the Cab to Cab relaying the information to your guard if non-DOOP – again only when safe to do so.
In accordance with FGW requirements for CIDD, and within the timescales laid down:
- State the problem
- Explain the impact
- Offer advice to fascilitate onward travel to their destinations
First advice within 5 minutes by target, must be within 20 minutes maximum
Give 5 examples of typical traction faults for each train/ traction unit type you sign?
As per traction knowledge
Which faults require a train / traction unit to be stopped immediately?
Hot axle box, Speedo defect, ATP fault, Traction Interlock S, AWS fault, TPWS, Fire bell sounding, Locked axle,
What actions should you take if a train fault cannot be rectified?
Action if a train fault cannot be rectified Train must be dealt with in accordance of the FGW Contingency Matrix, (SMO901). This along with the clauses of 2.10 of TW5 will result in a decision being reached as to the following:
- Can the train move forward without assistance
- Can the train move forward with passengers or must it de-train
- What speed can the train move forward at and how far can it go
- Is a competent person required, and if so what level of competence is required
- If it is a defective cab can it be boxed in by another unit, or is it possible to make a wrong direction movement, or propel the train.
Name the safety systems that must be operational for train / traction unit to continue in service?
Fire system, OTMR, Door systems, braking systems, cab heating during cold weather, ATP, WSP / Sanding systems if the driver believes they will be necessary to the safe working of the train, end lighting, saloon lighting, OTDR on one vehicle, windscreen washers and wipers
What actions must you take and what are the potential risks when safety systems are isolated?
Signaller and control need to authorise move, reduced speed, competent person maybe required, more proactive under degraded working practices
Under what circumstances must a competent person ride in the leading cab??
Only when essential to facilitate the safe working of the train:
- During a failure of infrastructure / signalling – normally a Pilotman
- To examine the line in a tunnel - Guard or other
- Failure of AWS, TPWS, DRA, Windscreen – Driver competent over the route
- Failure of DSD – Guard or other