Unit 6/7 Flashcards
Rule of 70
A mathematical formula that tells us the time it takes a variable that grows gradually over time to double is approximately 70 divided by that variable’s annual growth rate.
Real GDP
The total value of all final goods and services produced in the economy during a given year, calculated using the prices of a selected base year in order to remove the effects of price changes.
Labor Productivity
Productivity- output per worker
Physical Capital
(Capital)- consist of manufactured productive resources such as equipment, buildings, tools, and machines.
Human Capital
The improvement in labor created by the education and knowledge of members of the workforce.
The technical means for producing goods and services
Aggregate Production
A hypothetical function that shows how productivity depends on the quantities of physical capital per workers and human capital per worker as well as the state of technology.
Growth Accounting
Estimates the contribution of each major factor in the aggregate production function to economic growth.
Convergence Hypothesis
General principle stating that international differences in real GDP per capita tend to narrow over time.
Roads, power lines, ports, information, networks, and other underpinnings for economic activity
Describes long-run economic growth if it can continue in the face of the limited supply of natural resources and the impact of growth on the environment.
Balance of Payment Accounts
A summary of a country’s transactions with other countries.
Foreign Exchange Markets
The market in which currencies are traded
Exchange Rates
The prices at which currencies trade
Occurs when a currency becomes more valuable in terms of other currencies
Occur when the value of an asset is reduced by wear, age, or obsolescence or when a currency becomes less valuable in terms of other currencies.
Purchasing Power Parity
(between 2 countries’ currencies) the nominal exchange rate at which a given basket of goods and services would cost the same amount in each country
Fixed Exchange Rate
An exchange rate regime in which the government keeps the exchange rate against some other currency at or near a particular target.
A reduction in the value of a currency that is set under a fixed rate regime
An increase in the value of a currency that is set under a fixed exchange rate regime
Protectionism is like a mother limiting her child from consuming too much sugar. Although sugar may make the hold happy and be serve as a treat- it can also hurt the child’s health is over consumed.
Taxes on imports
Import Quota
A limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported within a given period