Unit 6 Flashcards
(adj.) abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual
Feeling protective of my friend but knowing of his difficulties placed me in an _____ position.
Synonyms: exceptional, unusual, aberrant
Antonyms: normal, regular, customary, typical, ordinary
(n.) a damaging or derogatory statement; the act of slandering or defaming
Think twice before casting ____ on his honesty, for he might by telling the truth.
Synonyms: innuendo, calumny
Antonyms: endorsement, praise
(adj.) extremely strange, unusual, atypical
Years from now I will look at this picture and wonder what sort of \_\_\_ costume. I was wearing.
Synonyms: grotesque, fantastic, outlandish
Antonyms: normal, typical, ordinary, expected
(adj.) abrupt, blunt, with no formalities
His request for a large loan for an indefinite length of time was met with a ___ refusal.
Synonyms: tactless, ungracious
Antonyms: tactful, diplomatic
(v.) to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises
With a smile, a joke, and a second helping of pie, she would ___ him into doing what she wanted.
Synonyms: wheedle, inveigle
Antonyms: coerce, force
(v.) to punish severely; to criticize severely
After he ___ the unruly children, they settled down to study quietly.
Synonyms: chastise, censure
Antonyms: honor, praise, laud
(v.) to plan with ingenuity; to bring about through a plan
She can ___ wonderful excuses; but when she tries to offer them, her uneasiness gives her away.
Synonyms: think up, concoct, fabricate
(n.) a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
Often a show of angry concern conceals the self-serving tactics of a \_\_\_.
Synonyms: rabble-rouser, firebrand
(v.) to free from deception or error, set right in ideas or thinking
He thinks that all women adore him, but my sister will probably ___ him of that idea.
Synonyms: undeceive, enlighten
Antonyms: deceive, delude, pull wool over one’s eyes
(n.) weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest, boredom
Some people seem to confuse sophistication with \_\_\_.
Synonyms: languor, world-weariness, listlessness
Antonyms: enthusiasm, liveliness, excitement intensity
(n.) a chain or shackle placed on the feet (often used in plural); anything that confines or restrains; (v.) to chain or shackle; to render helpless or impotent
The old phrase “chain gang” refers to a group of prisoners forced to work, each one joined to the next by linked ___.
It is said that good inventors do not ___ themselves with conventional thinking.
Synonyms: (n.) bond, restraint; (v.) bind, hamper
Antonyms: (v.) free, liberate, emancipate
(adj.) very wicked, offensive, hateful
A town so peaceful, quiet, and law-abiding was bound to be horrified by so ___ a crime.
Synonyms: evil, odious, outrageous
Antonyms: excellent, wonderful, splendid
(adj.) not subject to change, constant
Scientists labored to discover a set of ___ laws of the universe.
Synonyms: unchangeable, unalterable, fixed, invariable
Antonyms: changeable, inconstant, variable, fickle
(n.) one who rebels or rises against authority; (adj.) rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority; surging or rushing in or on
George Washington and his contemporaries were ___ against Britain.
The army was confident that they could crush the ___ forces.
Synonyms: (adj.) revolutionary, rebellious, mutinous
Antonyms: (adj.) loyalist, loyal, faithful
(n.) a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent, etc., far in excess of reality
Sudden fame and admiration can make people feel unworthy or it can bring on feelings of ___.
Synonyms: delusions of grandeur
Antonyms: modesty, self-abasement
(n.) a position requiring little or no work, an easy job
The office of Vice President of the United States was once considered little more than a ___.
Synonyms: “no-show” job, cushy job, “plum”
(adj.) stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud
The movie heroine blushed when she noticed the ___ glances of her admirer.
Synonyms: furtive, covert, clandestine, concealed
Antonyms: open, frank, aboveboard, overt
(v.) to go beyond a limit or boundary; to sin, violate a law
The penitent citizens promised never again to ___ the laws of the land.
Synonyms: overstep, trespass
Antonyms: obey, toe the line
(v.) to change from one nature, substance,or form to another
To ___ distrust into cooperation along that war-torn border will take more than talk and treaties.
Synonyms: transform, convert
Antonyms: preserve, maintain
(adj.) performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another
In search of ___ excitement , we watched movies of action and adventure.
Synonyms: surrogate, secondhand
Antonyms: actual, firsthand