Unit 6 - Control of heart rate Flashcards
Give two safety precautions that should be followed when dissecting a heart (2 marks).
- Use a sharp scalpel/scissors
- Wash hands/wear gloves
- Disinfect bench/equipment
- Cover any cuts
- Cut away from self/others/on a hard surface
- Safe disposal
Caffeine affects the autonomic nervous system.
Suggest how caffeine could increase heart rate. (2 marks)
1. More impulses/action potentials along sympathetic;
Ignore signals/information/ messages
2. To SAN increasing the heart rate
Exercise causes an increase in heart rate.
Describe the role of receptors and of the nervous system in this process. (4 marks)
- Chemoreceptors detect rise in CO2 / H+ / acidity / carbonic acid / fall in pH
Baro / pressure receptors detect rise in blood pressure; - Send impulses to cardiac centre / medulla;
- More impulses to SAN;
- By sympathetic (nervous system for chemoreceptors / CO2)
By parasympathetic (nervous system for baro / pressure receptors / blood pressure);
When the heart beats, both ventricles contract at the same time.
Explain how this is coordinated in the heart after initiation of the heartbeat by the SAN (2 marks).
- Electrical activity only through Bundle of His / AVN;
- Wave of electrical activity / impulse passes over / through both ventricles at the same time;
Describe how a heartbeat is initiated and coordinated (5 marks).
- SAN sends wave of electrical activity / impulses (across atria) causing atrial contraction;
- Non-conducting tissue prevents immediate contraction of ventricles / prevents impulses reaching the ventricles;
- AVN delays (impulse) whilst blood leaves atria / ventricles fill;
- (AVN) sends wave of electrical activity / impulses down Bundle of His / Purkyne fibres;
- Causing ventricles to contract from base up;
Explain how the heart muscle and the heart valves maintain a one-way flow of blood from the left atrium to the aorta (5 marks).
- Atrium has higher pressure than ventricle (due to filling / contraction) causing atrioventricular valves to open (accept bicuspid, reject tricuspid);
- Ventricle has higher pressure than atrium (due to filling / contraction) causing atrioventricular valves to close;
- Ventricle has higher pressure than aorta causing semilunar valve to open;
- Higher pressure in aorta than ventricle (as heart relaxes) causing semilunar valve (allow aortic valve) to close;
- (Muscle / atrial / ventricular) contraction causes increase in pressure; Start anywhere in sequence, but events must be in the correct order.
Explain, in terms of pressure, why the semilunar valves open (1 mark).
- Pressure is greater below valve / in ventricle than (artery);
Must be comparative
Reject: pressure is greater in ventricle than atrium
Neutral: pressure in ventricle increases
When a wave of electrical activity reaches the AVN, there is a short delay before a new wave leaves the AVN. Explain the importance of this short delay (2 marks).
- Allow atria to empty / contract / ventricles to fill;
- Before ventricles contract;
OR - Delays contraction of ventricles;
- Until after atria have contracted / ventricles have filled;
Neutral: ‘to pump blood’
The sinoatrial node (SAN) is in the right atrium of the heart. Describe the role of the sinoatrial node (2marks).
- Sends out electrical activity / impulses;
- Initiates the heartbeat / acts as a pacemaker / (stimulates) contraction of atria;
Explain why increased cardiac output is an advantage during exercise (3 marks).
- During exercise – More energy release / more respiration / actively respiring muscles / for aerobic respiration;
- Higher cardiac output – Increases O2 supply (to muscles);
Increases glucose supply (to muscles);
Increases CO2 removal (from muscles) /
lactate removal;
Increases heat removal (from muscles) /
for cooling;
If no “increase” – max 2 marks
Explain how a rise in blood pressure results in a decrease in the rate of heartbeat (6 marks).
- pressure receptors / baroreceptors / stretch receptors in aorta / carotid arteries / carotid sinus; (reject carotid body)
- send impulses to cardiovascular centre / medulla / cardio-inhibitory centre;
(reject signals / messages / electronic) - impulses via parasympathetic nerves
- to SAN;
- release of ACh / inhibits SAN / decreases impulses from SAN;
- decreases impulses to AVN / decreased stimulation of AVN / decreases impulses from AVN;