unit 6 Flashcards


synaptic cledft

synaptic cleft
sliding filament theory?
actin slides past myosin and increases overlap thi makes th emsucle fiber shorten
what shortens during sliding filamen ttheory?
i band, distanc ebetween z lines , h zone disaperas
muscle fiber contracts bc of?
nerve impulse
neurotrasmitter junction?
where axopn tewrminal of neuron meets muscle fiber
axon terminal?
distal end of motor neurons axon terminal branch
motor neuron axon terminal has?
calcium channels
synaptic cleft ?
space between axonm terminal and muscle fivber
motor end plate?
portion of sarcolema that forms NMJ
before muscle contraction, ??? goes down the motor neuiron ???, then the nerve impulse arrives at the ???, then calcium channels open and calcium is ???, then ach goes across ???, then ach binds to ???
acytion potential , axon , axon terminal , taken in , synaptic cleft, receptors
during excitation contraction, ??? binds to receptors and ??? starts, then ??? and k are taken in, then ??? goes across sarcolema and ??? is released, then ca binds to ???
ach , depolorization , na, action potential, ca , troponin
during contraction, ??? form cross bridges and myosin heads engage in a ???, then acltin slides across ???, then myosin head ???
myosin heads , power storke, myosin, detachges