Unit 6 Flashcards
African City Model
A model of urban development depicting a city with three CBD’s growing outward in a series of concentric rings.
A practice by real-estate agents who stir up concern that black families would soon move into a neighborhood; they would convince white property owners to sell their houses at cheap prices.
Abandoned and polluted industrial site in a central city or suburb.
Central Place Theory
A theory used to describe the spatial relationship between cities and their surroundings.
Concentric Zone Model
A model of urban development describing a city growing outward from a CBD in a series of concentric rings.
Edge City
A type of community located on the outskirts of a larger city with commercial centers with office spaces, retail complexes, and other amenities typical of an urban center.
A typically fast-growing community outside of or o the edge of a metropolitan area where the residents and community are closely connected to the central city and suburbs.
The process of neighborhood change in which housing vacated by more affluent groups passes down the income sale to lower-income groups.
Galactic City Model
A model of urban development depicting a city where economic activity has moved from the CBD towards loose coalitions of other urban areas and suburbs.
A rig of parkland, agricultural land, or other type of open space maintained around an urban area to limit Sprawl.
Latin American City Model
A model of urban development depicting a city with a CBD, concentric rings, and sections stricken by poverty.
A city with a population of 10m+
A city with a population of 20m+
Metropolitan area
A city and the surrounding areas that are influenced economically and culturally by the city.
Single planned development designed to include multiple uses, such as residential, retail, educational, recreations, industrial and office spaces.
Mixed-use zoning
Zoning that permits multiple land uses in the same space or structure
Multiple nuclei model
A model of urban development depicting a city where growth occurs around the progressive integration of multiple nucleis, not around one CBD.
New Urbanism
A school of thought that promotes designing growth to limit the amount of urban sprawl and preserve nature and usable farmland.
Primate City
The largest city in a country, which far exceeds the next city in population size and importance.
Rank size rule
Explanation of size of cities within a country. 1/2 > 1/3 ___
Practice by which a financial institution such as a bank refuses to offer home loans on the bass of a neighborhoods’s racial or ethnic makeup
Sector model
A model of urban development depicting a city with wedge-shaped sectors and divisions emanating from the CBD, generally a long transit routes.
Smart-growth policies
Policy implemented to create sustainable communities by placing development in convenient locations and designing it to be more efficient and environmentally responsible.
Southeast Asian city Model
A model of urban development depicting a city oriented around a port and lacking a formal CBD, growing outward in concentric rings and a long multiple nodes.
Squatter settlements
An informal housing area beset with overcrowding and poverty that features temporary homes often made of wood or metal craps.
In Central Place Theory, the number of people needed to support a business.
Urban Renewal
The nationwide movement in the 50’s and 60’s when U.S cities were given massive federal grants t tear down and clear out slums as a means of rebuilding their dowtowns.
Urban Sprawl
Areas of poorly-planned, low-density development surrounding a city.
World Cities
A city that wields political, cultural, and economic influence on a global scale.
The process of dividing a city or urban area into zones with which only certain land uses are permitted.