Unit 6 Flashcards
Define consumer behaviour.
The acts of individuals in obtaining goods and services, including the decision processes that precede and determine these acts.
What are B-Corps?
B Corps are for-profit companies that are part of a global movement to use business as a force for good. These firms commit to social and environmental missions as well as traditional profit-making goals.
What influences a purchase decision?
- The purchase of a particular brand or product could be the result of an endorsement by a celebrity or a friend (ie. word-of-mouth endorsements)
- When making a buying decision, consumers process a lot of information from social media, family, friends, and their own personal experiences
- Research has found that past contact with a brand is the most important factor in a purchase decision
- Other important factors, but with lower response rates:
Quality comparisons with other brands, price, recommendations from others, manufacturer’s reputation, and how well known and well advertised a product is
What are the steps of the consumer purchase decision process?
- Problem recognition
- Information search
- Evaluation of alternatives
- Purchase decision
- Post-purchase evaluation
These steps may not be followed depending on the type of purchase.
Differentiate between routine and complex purchases.
Routine purchases - toothpaste, coffee, razor blades, and deodorant are usually based on product satisfaction.
No need to follow a prescribed buying procedure.
Complex purchases - automobile, an extended vacation, smartphone, or major household appliance require a lot of time, effort, money, and a proper evaluation of alternatives. It is likely that all steps in the buying process are followed.
What are purchase activities?
- How consumers acquire products
- The steps consumers take in this process
- Includes the purchase decision process
What are consumption activities?
- When, where, how, why people use products
- Not all products have a functional purpose in our lives
- Instead, the products communicate a message
- May include symbolic meaning
Eg. High-end luxury items
Define problem recognition.
In the consumer buying process, a stage in which a consumer discovers a need or an unfulfilled desire.
Describe the difference between actual state and ideal state
Actual state - who we are
Ideal state - who we want to be
Define needs recognition.
Identify need, actual state declines, act to reach ideal state.
Eg. In your current state, you identify a need for food; in your actual state, you are letting yourself become hungrier and hungrier until you reach your ideal state by eating food and being satisfied
Define opportunity recognition.
Identify opportunity, ideal state moves up, act to reach ideal state
Opportunity: Desirable circumstances that can improve our current state
Eg. In your current state (actual state), you own a reliable car; you see a commercial for a nicer car and want to buy the new car, but do not need it; the car represents an opportunity but you are not willing to buy it yet; over time, cars become nicer and nicer; you reach a point where all the cars are new; the ideal state moves further from your current state so it kickstarts a purchase
Define information search.
Conducted by an individual once a problem or need has been defined. The extent of the search varies with the nature of the purchase as well as the level of importance a consumer gives to the decision - known as consumer involvement.
Differentiate between internal and external search.
- Effective when prior knowledge exists
- Memory, past experiences
- No or limited prior knowledge likely
- Personal sources, public sources, market-dominated sources
- Personal sources - family members, close friends
- Public sources - YouTube, forums
- Market-dominated sources - Nike’s website
Define consumer involvement.
Perceived interest and importance that a consumer attaches to the purchase and consumption of a product or service.
If it is a routine and low involvement purchase with little risk, no information may be sought.
If it is a complex and high involvement decision that involves a higher degree of risk, numerous sources of information may be investigated.
Describe the evaluation of alternatives step.
This step evaluate and compares all products on attributes that have the ability to deliver the benefit that they are seeking.
Describe awareness set.
Awareness Set:
- Evoked Set (Consideration Set) - positive impression
- Insert Set - no impression
- Inept Set - negative impression
Define evoked set.
A group of brands that a person would consider acceptable among competing brands in a class of product.
Describe the purchase decision step.
- What will be purchased
- From whom to purchase
- Price point - consumers will choose seller with best price
- Return policy - consumers will go to seller with return policy because it is low risk
- Convenience - online shopping
- Knowledge of/experience with seller - positive experience causes people to return to seller again, negative experience prevents people from returning to seller - When to purchase
- Sales/promotions - eg. back to school promotions
- Shopping experience - eg. the organization, atmosphere, helpfulness of a store
- Time pressure to buy - eg. personal pressure depending on current need; low stock of an item
- Finances - the amount of money you have to buy a product
Describe the post-purchase evaluation step.
- Compare product to expectations to assess satisfaction
- The purchase of routine ideas is based on past experience and satisfaction. Creates a positive, secure feeling after the purchase
- Other purchases may result in dissatisfaction leading to brand switching, a process involving more purchases and evaluations
- Dissatisfaction results in cognitive dissonance
Define cognitive dissonance (theory by Leon Festinger).
An individual’s unsettled state of mind after an action he or she has taken.
The presence of cognitive dissonance suggests that the consumer is not confident that he or she has made the right decision. This can be overcome by taking certain actions. Eg. Read online reviews, review the purchase, talk to a friend about the purchase, etc.
The organization should follow-up to ease the customer’s mind.
What influences consumer behaviour?
- The purchase decisions of Canadian consumers are primarily influenced by psychological, personal, social, and cultural factors
- Decisions about product, price, availability, and marketing communications are designed to positively influence customers
Define lifestyle.
A person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities, interests, opinions, and values.
Why are psychographics and demographics important?
- Tthe psychographic profile that indicates differences between people and why similar people buy different products
- Psychographic research determines the activities (work, sports, and hobbies), interests (family, friends, and social attitudes), and opinions (social, issues, businesses, or politics) of consumers
- When information about a person’s lifestyle is combined with demographic data, a more complete picture of an individual emerges; a picture that allows marketers to understand how someone interacts with others and their surroundings
- Psychographic information shows how an individual’s interest in a particular product depends on his or her lifestyle
- Psychographics allow the marketing organization to position its products effectively in the marketplace and to communicate better with its target buyers
What is AIOS?
AIOS - activities, interests, and opinions.
What is the life-cycle theory?
Life-cycle theory is based on the changing needs of a family as its members progress through the various stages. Marketers tend to define their target markets on the basis of age and life cycle, and devise appropriate marketing strategies suited to particular stages.
How does technology influence buying behaviour?
Factors are combined to dramatically change the way in which consumers buy goods and services.
These factors include the growing numbers of time-pressed consumers, the availability of information through the Internet and social media networks, and our growing obsession with mobile devices.
How does technology affect companies?
- Marketers can monitor where consumers are and what they are purchasing with the amount of data and available technology
- Retailers can also create detailed consumer profiles and target individual customers
- The Internet and social media networks offer an effective and efficient means to communicate directly with people and are an essential component of the marketing communications mix
Define location-based targeting.
Location-based targeting refers to opportunities for marketers to locate consumers as they move around and communicate directly with them.
How does the current economic situation affect purchase decisions?
- The economy directly or indirectly influences the attitudes, values, and lifestyles of people in Canada
- The cyclical nature of the economy shapes purchase decisions
What results due to a recession?
- Unemployment may be on the rise, and the discretionary income of consumers may be low
- Major and new purchases will be delayed and consumers will make products last longer
What happens due to a boom?
Consumers are more likely to purchase more goods and services.
How does the economy affect companies?
- An organization will adjust its marketing strategies based on changes in the economy
- A business organization remains conservative in hard times and is more aggressive in good times
What is the theory about “too much” choice?
The theory hypothesized that extensive choices can be demotivating, preventing people from purchasing.
What was the experiment conduced by Lyengar and Lepper?
The researchers compared limited (psychologically manageable) choice and extensive (psychologically excessive) choice with experiments that observed the actions of individuals when presented with limited vs. extensive choices.
What were the conclusions after Lyengar and Lepper’s experiments?
Results do not hold up when:
- Decision-making self-efficacy is high
- A clear prior preference exists
- One is experiencing positive affect
- If someone is feeling happy when they are in the purchase decision process, they will not feel overwhelmed with the many choices
Meta-analysis that tested hypothesis found little supporting evidence:
There is limited support for the hypothesis; there is no such thing as too much choice.
What are situational influences?
Situational influences are factors pertaining to considerations, time, and location that impact the purchase decision process.
- Physical surroundings
- Social surroundings
- Temporal effects
- Antecedent states
- Purchase task
What are physical surroundings?
Physical characteristics of retail space.
Define atmospherics.
Atmospherics are controllable factors that set ambience and create a sensory experience.
- Appealing to sense of smell, touch, etc
- Decide lighting, music
- Layout: design of floor space
Eg. Bread and dairy are on opposite sides of the store so that customers will have to walk the distance and be enticed to purchase additional items; directs traffic - Crowding (spatial, people)
Spatial crowding is not welcoming
Crowding of people increases spending because it communicates that the environment is popular and offers good products and prices
What are social surroundings and how do they affect purchases?
Social surroundings are interactions with others. There is a difference in results between social shopping vs. solitary shopping in purchases made and spending.
When people shop with other people, they are more likely to purchase more items and spend more money, this drives up sales and spending.
Role of others in our lives (shopping behaviour, impulse buys):
When people shop with friends instead of family, people are more likely to explore different things or pick up more items (browsing and perusing is more common); impulse buying is more common.
Describe temporal effects.
Time of day (more variety as day progresses):
- People are looking more variety in their shopping as the day progresses; they are willing to make more risks and try exciting things.
- At the beginning of the day, people stick with comfort and familiarity - they are groggy and less comfortable with risk
Time of year (comfort products with less daylight):
- As the temperature becomes colder, people will spend more money on comfort items
Amount of time available (lowest price, most recognizable):
- When people have little time to shop, they will go for the lowest price or most recognizable/item used in the past if there is no preference in mind
- When people are faced with many items with the same price and have not purchased the product before, they will go for the most recognizable item based on commercials, promotion, etc
Describe antecedent states.
Momentary conditions:
Emotional state (familiarity vs. novelty)
- Positive mood → more open to novelty
- Sad emotion levels → preference for familiarity
Energy level (self-regulation vs. impulsive buying)
- People who have more energy and are more alert will regulate their shopping and get what they need and go
- People who are exhausted have little self-regulation; more susceptible to impulse buying
Cash on hand
- The amount of money you have at a given time will influence your buying
Describe purchase task.
- Goal of a shopping trip
- Casual shoppers will browse and purchase more items
- Goal-directed shoppers will only get what is necessary
- Embarrassing items = more items purchased
Eg. Condoms, feminine hygiene products - People who purchase these embarrassing items will purchase more additional items to blend in their purchases so it is less noticeable
What is sensory marketing?
Sensory marketing is marketing that engages the senses and affects consumer perception. Sensory marketing evokes memories and creates emotional responses. It aims for congruence between the sensation and environment.
Describe sensory marketing in relation to sound (genre, volume, tempo).
- Category of music
- Directed at target market to attract customers
- Can affect spending; attract customers to spend more
- Classical music is the most influential genre
- Loudness of music
- High volume increases stress response
- Low volume can be unwelcome
- Speed of beat (bpm)
- Longer browsing at slower tempos
- Up tempo music can help control customer traffic; influence customers to move quicker
Describe sensory marketing in relation to smell.
Ambient scents capable of:
- Attracting customers
- Increasing browsing time
- Increasing product interaction
- Increasing spending
Ambient scents elevate mood, lower anxiety, increase calmness
Define associative learning.
Associative learning is the process by which we come to associate certain sensations with particular feelings .
Scent –> event –> emotion.
A consistent pairing with events will allow you to quickly associate the scent with an emotion.