Unit 6 Flashcards
creep (movement)
to move slowly, quietly, or cautiously with the body near to or touching the ground
glance (look)
to look hastily or briefly
stumble (movement)
to trip or fall while walking or running
hobble (movement)
to walk with a lame awkward movement
totter (movement)
to walk or move in an unsteady manner
gaze (look)
to look long and fixedly, esp in wonder or admiration
limp (movement)
to walk with an uneven step, esp with a weak or injured leg
plod (movement)
to make (one’s way) or walk along (a path, road, etc) with heavy usually slow steps
glimpse (look)
a brief or incomplete view
glare (look)
to stare angrily
stagger (movement)
to walk or cause to walk unsteadily as if about to fall
peep (look)
to look furtively or secretly, as through a small aperture or from a hidden place
trip (movement)
a false step; stumble
crawl (movement)
to move slowly, either by dragging the body along the ground or on the hands and knees
too right
completely agree
be right back
return soon
by rights
according to what is proper
left, right, and centre (Br.)
left and right (Am.)
right away
right off the bat (Am. from baseball)
get on the right side of somebody
get somebody to like you
to be in the right
have justice on your side