Unit 5: The Jackal and the Sun Child Flashcards
If you are …… of something, you know about it.
If you are aware of something, you know about it.
aware [əˈwɛː] adj. aware
→ I was not aware of the ringing phone.
→ aɪ wɒz nɒt əˈweər ɒv ðə ˈrɪŋɪŋ fəʊn.
…… means in a severe or harmful way.
Badly means in a severe or harmful way.
badly [ˈbadli] adv. badly
→ He hurt his arm badly playing with friends.
→ hiː hɜːt hɪz ɑːm ˈbædli ˈpleɪɪŋ wɪð frɛndz.
If something …… to you, you own it.
If something belongs to you, you own it.
belong [bɪˈlɒŋ] v. belong
→ The blue suit belongs to Paul.
→ ðə bluː suːt bɪˈlɒŋz tuː pɔːl.
To ……. something is to keep doing it.
To continue something is to keep doing it.
continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] v. continue
→ She stood under her umbrella as the rain continued to fall.
→ ʃiː stʊd ˈʌndə hɜːr ʌmˈbrɛlə æz ðə reɪn kənˈtɪnjuːd tuː fɔːl.
An …… is something you do wrong.
An error is something you do wrong.
error [ˈɛrə] n. error
→ I made an error on my report, so my boss was angry.
→ aɪ meɪd ən ˈɛrər ɒn maɪ rɪˈpɔːt, səʊ maɪ bɒs wɒz ˈæŋɡri.
An …….. is something you have seen or done
An experience is something you have seen or done
experience [ɪkˈspɪərɪəns] n. experience
→ Rock climbing was a fun experience.
→ rɒk ˈklaɪmɪŋ wɒz ə fʌn ɪkˈspɪəriəns.
A ….. is a big area of land.
A field is a big area of land.
field [fiːld] n. field
→ The field of flowers looked so pretty.
→ ðə fiːld ɒv flaʊəz lʊkt səʊ ˈprɪti.
To …… is to do something that makes you feel pain.
To hurt is to do something that makes you feel pain.
hurt [həːt] v. hurt
→ She hurt her leg falling down the stairs.
→ ʃiː hɜːt hɜː lɛɡ ˈfɔːlɪŋ daʊn ðə steəz.
……. is the ability to form opinions or decisions.
Judgment is the ability to form opinions or decisions.
judgment [ˈdʒʌdʒm(ə)nt] n. judgment
→ It’s good judgment to recycle your aluminum cans.
→ ɪts ɡʊd ˈʤʌʤmənt tuː ˌriːˈsaɪkᵊl jɔːr əˈluːmənəm kænz.
If something …… happens, it will probably happen.
If something likely happens, it will probably happen.
likely [ˈlʌɪkli] adv. likely
→ I will likely stay at home and watch TV tonight.
→ aɪ wɪl ˈlaɪkli steɪ æt həʊm ænd wɒʧ ˌtiːˈviː təˈnaɪt.
If something is ……, it is not strange nor surprising to you.
If something is normal, it is not strange nor surprising to you.
normal [ˈnɔːm(ə)l] adj. normal
→ It is normal for me to bathe every night.
→ ɪt ɪz ˈnɔːmᵊl fɔː miː tuː beɪð ˈɛvri naɪt.
If something is ….., you do not see it very often.
If something is rare, you do not see it very often.
rare [rɛː] adj. rare
→ It is rare for him to miss his flight.
→ ɪt ɪz reə fɔː hɪm tuː mɪs hɪz flaɪt.
To …. is to rest.
To relax is to rest.
relax [rɪˈlaks] v. relax
→ The frog relaxed in the warm sun.
→ ðə frɒɡ rɪˈlækst ɪn ðə wɔːm sʌn.
To ….. something is to ask for it.
To request something is to ask for it.
request [rɪˈkwɛst] v. request
→ The little girl requested a special gift from Santa Claus.
→ ðə ˈlɪtᵊl ɡɜːl rɪˈkwɛstɪd ə ˈspɛʃᵊl ɡɪft frɒm ˈsæntə klɔːz.
To …… means to live somewhere permanently or for a long time.
To reside means to live somewhere permanently or for a long time.
reside [rɪˈzʌɪd] v. reside
→ My brother and his family reside in a lovely house on the beach.
→ maɪ ˈbrʌðər ænd hɪz ˈfæmᵊli rɪˈzaɪd ɪn ə ˈlʌvli haʊs ɒn ðə biːʧ.
A ……. is something that happens because of something else.
A result is something that happens because of something else.
result [rɪˈzʌlt] n. result
→ Asa result of all the rain, the man had to climb on the roof.
→ Asa rɪˈzʌlt ɒv ɔːl ðə reɪn, ðə mæn hæd tuː klaɪm ɒn ðə ruːf.
To ….. is to move by turning over and over.
To roll is to move by turning over and over.
roll [rəʊl] v. roll
→ You must roll the ball into the pins when you bowl.
→ juː mʌst rəʊl ðə bɔːl ˈɪntuː ðə pɪnz wɛn juː bəʊl.
…. is used to talk about a past event still happening now.
Since is used to talk about a past event still happening now.
since [sɪns] prep. since
→ Since 1992, he has been driving that car.
→ sɪns 1992, hiː hæz biːn ˈdraɪvɪŋ ðæt kɑː.
If something is ….., it can be seen.
If something is visible, it can be seen.
visible [ˈvɪzɪb(ə)l] adj. visible
→ The moon and stars were visible in the night sky.
→ ðə muːn ænd stɑːz wɜː ˈvɪzəbᵊl ɪn ðə naɪt skaɪ.
If something is ….., it is found in nature.
If something is wild, it is found in nature.
wild [wʌɪld] adj. wild
→ You should be careful around a fox, because it is a wild animal.
→ juː ʃʊd biː ˈkeəfᵊl əˈraʊnd ə fɒks, bɪˈkɒz ɪt ɪz ə waɪld ˈænɪmᵊl.