Unit 5: Macroeconomic Policy Model and New Normative Macroeconomics Flashcards
SR and LR responses of pi and the Y-Gap if a rise in G causes r* to inc. but the Fed does not change r^e*
Both symbolically and graphically.
SR and LR responses of pi and the Y-Gap if pi^e rises.
Both symbolically and graphically.
What are the four types of economic costs of inflation?
What individuals benefit from higher inflation and which ones lose?
Three types of economic costs of output loss.
What are the benefits and costs of
unemployment for workers?
- fjkdlsf
- it sucks
Show how each of the following would initially affect the assets and liabilities of the Federal Reserve. Indicate the particular type of assets or liabilities that change.
a. The Federal Reserve sells $100,000 in domestic credit to a bank.
b. The Federal Reserve reduces its foreign reserves by $250,000 by conducting a sterilized
foreign exchange intervention.
Macroeconomic policy trilemma
How do the United States, Germany, and Argentina differ in their approaches to
the macroeconomic policy trilemma?
Taylor-style nominal interest rate rule
Direct and Indirect effects of real exchange rates on target interest rate in Taylor-style nominal interest rate rule.
Based on the research of the U.S. economy, does the real exchange rate have a direct effect on the Federal Reserve’s target nominal interest rate?
Phillips Curve [Alg.]
Natural Rate Property
There is no long-run trade-off
between inflation and output.
Simplifications to f from the the Phillips Curve
f = f(), where f is a constant such that f>0
Which theories support the positive relationship between output and inflation?
- Imperfect Information Theory
- Staggered Wage Setting Model
What does the economic environment affect within the Phillips Curve?
- Responsiveness of pi to the Y-Gap.
- The formation of pi^e
Two primary factors that influence f
- Degree of Wage Indexing
- Forecasted length and severity of a business cycle
Wage Indexing’s influence on f
The higher the value of ai, the more responsive
π is to (Y-1 – Y*)/Y*. This is reflected in the modified Phillips
curve equation, with a larger value of f.
Wage-Price Spiral (An Inc. in Y)
Inc. in Y -> W/P inc. 1% -> MC inc. 1% -> P(pi) inc. by 1% -> W/P inc. ai%
-> pi inc. ai%
The total effect of wage indexing on price inflation
Worker’s expectations of future average wages from the expectation of a long vs short recession. Its effect on MC and price inflation.
They are lower when expectation are of a long recession, so they are more willing to accept lower wages. Causes a large decline in MC -> a large reduction in P inflation.
The expectation of a long business cycle means pi is ___ responsive to ____ than if it is expected to be short. What does it mean for f?
more; the output gap; larger value for f
The most difficult component of the Phillips curve to measure is
the expected inflation rate, πe.
Two important factors to consider when measuring
a. Forward-looking forecasts of future prices and wages
influence the process of current wage setting and, thus,
affect the expected inflation term.
b. Staggered contracts and backward-looking wage behavior
influence the expected inflation term because they contain
inertia that cannot be changed immediately.