Unit 5 - Female Repro Assess Qst Flashcards
Meaning of Leukorrhoea
white or yellow mucus discharge from cervix or vagina
meaning of Bartholinitis
inflammation of the bartholin’s gland
Mean of procidentia
complete prolapse of the uterus and cervix
meaning of bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
fallopian tubes and ovaries on both sides removed
plastic repair of the vagina and perineum
What is severe itching of the vulva called?
pruritus vulvae
Syndrome occuring monthly prior to menstruation?
Premenstrual syndrome
Closure of the vagina by suturing, usually following a prolapse.
Imflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix
removal of the entire uterus and dissection of the regional lymph nodes
radical hysterectomy
congenital absence of the vulva or vagina
atresia of the vulva or vagina
genital warts
Condyloma acuminatum
endometrial tissue found in abnormal locations
fixation of a displaced ovary
incision and drainage of a breast access