Unit 5- Early Modern World (Part II): Vocab Flashcards
*brought Mogul rule to most of India
*Akbar Style
*Mogul style of painting that combined Persian and Indian motifs
*Grand Vizier
*the Ottoman sultan’s chief minister
*Gunpowder empires
*empires formed by outside conquerors who unified the regions that they conquered through their mastery of firearms
*Legislative Assembly
*established the constitution of 1791
*Maximilien Robespieere
*head of the Committee for Public Safety
*Naploenic Code
*preserved most of the rights of the people gained by the revolution
*Paris Communie
*Radical political group
*the braided pigtail that was traditionally worn by Chinese men
*A very famous Safavid painter, his focus was on simple subjects
*France’s chief tax
*“The Golden Lotus”
*considered to be the first realistic social novel
*completed the restoration of a central Japanese authority
*The local officials of the Mogul dynasty that keep a portion of the taxes paid by the peasants in lieu of salary
in Qing China, the separate military unit made up of Manchus; the empire’s chief fighting force