Unit 5 Development in Early Childhood (2-6y) Flashcards
2yrs old until puberty infants
grow at a stead rate
-> grow 5 - 8cm and gain 2.5 - 3kg every year
(from to 2 to 6 children grow 30cm and gain 8kg)
-> muscle maturation = fat to muscle (BMI is low at 5-6yrs)
-> developed countries= 6yr olds are >110cm ave. and 13-23kg
Proportion of children
infancy and childhood = legs+arms grow FASTER than trunk
-> 60% of height
-> lower centre of gravity provides greater stability + allows development of more complex movements
Factor’s influencing growth and maturation
-> genetic inheritance
-> exercise + daily activity = (elite athletes = less growth)
-> social class = (nutrition + health care (acess+medicine)
-> Physical deficiencies/illnesses = hormonal (thyroid) problems, disorders, infections, diseases (liver, heart, bone)
-> Trauma or abuse = these children grow less
-> nutrition = eating disorders, obesity
Left and right coordination and vision
coordination of movements need maturation of brain structures
Left (CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE) receives sense from and control movements of right (vice versa)
Left processes visual info from right visual field, vice versa
-> both involved in corpus callous = nerve fibres (communication between hspheres)
What is increased efficiency of the corpus callous important for?
To develop COMMUNICATION between brain hemispheres, COORDINATION between two sides of the body (through myelinisation)
-> 3-6yrs high MYE., slows down in adolescence
Lateralisation of functions
when sides of cerebral hemisphere become specialised for certain functions
-> EXAMPLE left hemi. responsible for speech production (right handed ppl), right hemisphere responsible for perceiving emotions
handedness: preference for using one hand or side of body
90% adults =right hand +body (right: motor function. Left = emotional recognition function)
–> established 2-3yrs and continues to strengthen (Lateralise C before writing)
Double lateralisation hypothesis
innate laterality that is part of genetic inheritance + Manifested in spontaneous gestures, and LEARNED laterality related to use of objects everyday
3yrs - 4yrs - 5yrs - 6yrs (gross and fine motor skills)
3 - Gross: jump w. both feet, walk downstairs, kick or throw - Fine: Copy simple shapes
4 - Gross: hop on either, catch - Fine: Copy most letters, brush teeth, use scissors, dress self
5 - Gross: skip, gallop in rhythm, climb tree jump over stuff - Fine: cut stuff, copy difficult shapes + letters
6 - Fine: Draw and paint, Catch small balls, write, tie shoelace
Preoperational thought (2-7yr)
-> think preoperationally, they are not able to use logical operations
CAN: think in symbols, not via sense and motor skills;
SYMBOLIC FUNCTION: ability to make one thing stand for, or represent
Manifestations of mental representation
-> delayed imitation, drawing, symbolic play, mental images, language
Develop: Cataloguing/categorization and class logic-> specific symbols becomes generalised in meaning
-> animism: pre-operational children may believe inanimate objects are alive, or that non-human animals have human characteristics (grow out of it)
C are egocentric at preoperational thought - understand the world from their own perspective, not others
-> three mountain study
they do not have the ability of theory of mind - only being able to see their own pov
-> C think and behave intuitively even though they can use symbols and describe
How do Preoperational children interpret environment and conservation
based on appearance. AND they only contemplate one aspect of situation
-> experiment: covering cats face with a dog or rabbit mask then asking relevant question to the animal
3yr: responded with inconsistent or accurate answers
6yr: responded consistently
they also lack understanding of conservation
-> beeker experiment, pouring liquid from one jar to different shaped jar. is there still the same amount? 6-7yr think taller containers have more
What did Piaget argue the preop. C lacks?
he thought they lacked two cognitive abilities necessary for CONSERVATION: Decentration -> ability to concentrate on more than one aspect of a problem at a time (Height and width)
Reversibility: Ability to mentally reverse an action (cannot imagine doing it)
Flavell found that younger C (than 6-7yr) cannot…
understand properties such as MASS and NUMBER
m: play dough turning into different shapes
n: beads spread out subjects through more beads
Flavell(1963) containers and clayballs
two beakers with water and clay balls or diff shape in them. C is asked : if the different shaped clay was put into the beaker how would the water level change?
9 - 12 yr C can understand this type of conservation