Unit 5&6 Flashcards
Proximate determinants
biological and behavioral factors though which social economic and environmental variables affect fertility
denotes ability to reproduce.
female sex horomone
actual reproduction
developing world
countries non-industrialized and citizens practice more traditional lifestyles
identity diffusion
one of possible outcomes of identity crisis. person with identity diffusion not able to achieve sense of identity.
socialization agent
group or institution which has significant impact on values and beliefs of a culture
developmental stake
difference between amount of support older people recieve from children and amount of help children report giving
person religious affiliation and attendance to religious services
gender identity
one concept of male/female
state of women whose spouse is institutionalized
fertility rate contributions (PES)
physical, environmental, socio-cultural
benefits of breast milk
immunizes infants against many disease and emotion benefits for growth and development
reproductive technologies
medical manipulation of womens reporductive cycle/mans sperm quality or count designed to result in conception
erik erikson
psycho-social theory of development
- decline in sperm counts in developed countries linked to infertility
- increasing birth rate = overpopulation
- canada doesnt have increasing fertility rate
- 1 in 5 couples infertile
- reproductive technologies help improve couples chance of conceiving
- surrogate mother lends uterus to another couple so they have baby
- womens fertility declines as she ages
- women first menstrual period known as menarche
- involuntary childness occur when couple wants to have children but cant
- “the pill” developed in 1960s
- avg. worker pay twice as much to support elderly
- informal support = unpaid health given by friends, neighbor and spouse
- CDN immigration didnt give priority to ppl from britain and asia
- boomers experience authoritarian educ. system
- CUSO = politcal activism group created in 60s
- contraceptives were available before birth pill
Fran Baum and Voluntarily childless (HEPI)
- hedonist: women want to preserve standard of living. do not want to spend time+money on children
- emotional: women share emotional draw/bond to children
- practical: women have practical reason why they cant reproduce. (ex; dont wanna pass on genetic disorder)
- idealists: women dont wanna bring child into a world they dont feel is suitable.
factors that influence couples decision to have kids (MFRE)
- marital status
- family values
- religion
- education
baby boom (x)
generation after ww2. soldiers had one goal = marriage and start family which is why eruption of births happened. They are loud, obnoxious, rebels
echo boom (y)
after the baby boom and baby bust. echo kids - children of generations before. They are big spenders; strong impact on canadian society.
lead to end of baby boom (SEB)
- sexual revolution
- education women
- boomer delaying birth
dependency ratio
average number of dependents in country for every hundred adults of working age.
echo kids
strong impact on economy cuz of buying power
counter culture
large group of ppl in society who express values and behavioral that conflict with societies norms.
war bride
euro wives of cdn soldier who came to canada with husband after ww2
media term during 1960/70s to describe culture of protest which emerged among adolescent and young adults baby boomers
IUI (intrauterine insemination)
- increases the chances that man sperm and womans eggs meet.
- women given fertility drugs to cause her to produce more than one egg per cycle
- when women ovulates (determined by daily ultra sounds) she is inseminated with selection of mans best sperm
- man produces semen sample in clinic and healthiest, strongest sperm is removed.
- sperm injected directly into uterus
- now sperm has greater chance meeting and fertilizing egg and do not have to swim up through womens vagina
purpose of demographers
- identify different age segments and make recommendation about social/economic needs of various groups
- enviornments use information to plan ahead (school construction projects)
- population data helps shape imigration policies (how much ppl can enter)
increase marriage rates after WW2
- their uniform advantage to meet women
- courtships short so marriage rates in canada almost doubled
- notion marriage and family offered best route to responsibilit and contentment
- affect demography cuz more people getting married and reproducing; making fam of their own
- marriage = norm. not married, u considered suspect.
dewy & Spock
DEWY: supported progressive education in teaching and came about when there was a great population of students (progressive education -child centered form of education based on assumption that students eager to learn material presented in interesting way)
SPOCK: respect children. dont spoil them. children are human beings and deserve respect, let children grow at own paces and children cant be impolite/incorporative with parents
economic benefits of aging population
- when baby boom generation ages, they will be in retirement stage which means younger generation have more job opportunities
- within job opportunities, ppl in architecture will experience growth bcuz they need more retirement and nursing homes
- growth in finance because old ppl have money to invest into financial planning and long term investments
- labor shortages in education, utilities, governemnt and forestry…more job opportunities.
- when boomers age they have retirement savings plans that wil help them so not a huge burden on us
- huge growth in travel since elderly have more money to spend and want to see the world
- as they age; focus on quality > quantity so retailers should prepare to offer high food and services to enhance shoppping and dining experiences
psychological impact involuntary childlessness
- when one partner has physical issue, they feel like they cant satisfy their partners wants and needs
- when find out they cant have children they are devastated
- reporductive procedures cause extra stress due to contemplating effectiveness
- emotional traumatic experience
- similar emotion to grieving death
- corinna onnen states burden of undergoing reporductive treatments divided into 3 categories
1) physical effects if medical treatment (side effect from drugs)
2) objective burdens of treatment; must be on a specific date. expenditure of time and orginization required
3) subjective psychological strain;