unit 5,6,7 test Flashcards
What are the 3 ways urine is formed?
filtration, secretion, reabsorption
What are the 2 hormones that regulate urine volume?
aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone
What are the preferred methods of urine collection, that will allow for microbe evaluation?
catheterization and cystocentesis
What is the ideal time from that urine samples should be analyzed?
30 mins
What is the normal urine output for adult dogs and cats?
20-40 ml/kg/day
Which piece of lab equipment should be used to determine specific gravity?
What range of urine specific gravity is considered isosthenuric?
How is the chemical constituents of urine tested?
place urine on a reagent strip
Which species normally contains a large amount of sediment in their urine?
Horses and rabbits
The CBC machine is used to determine if red or white blood cells are in the urine.
Aldosterone does which of the following?
Reabsorb sodium and water and secrete potassium
Select all the things that will produce a positive result on the blood portion of a urine reagent strip:
-intact RBC
Which is the normal urine output for a horse?
3 - 18 ml/kg/day
Which test yield’s important information on the patient’s fluid volume?
An increase proteinuria can indicate which of the following?
Kidney disease
Which crystals can normally be found in the urine of horses and rabbits?
Calcium carbonate
Select all the functions of the kidney(5):
Filter blood
-regulate acid-base
-regulate blood pressure
-produce hormone
-regulate fluid volume
Which test yield’s important information on what the kidneys are secreting?
Chemistry strip
Select all the ways to collect urine that can be used for culture:
urinary catheter
increased volume of urine
increase frequency of urination
decrease volume of urine
No urine
What is the main difference between serum and plasma?
plasma does not clot therefore still has fibrinogen