Unit 5 Flashcards
The tropics in New York
Claude McKay
The Negro Speaks of Rivers; Dream Variations; Refugee in America; I, too
Langston Hughes
A black man talks reaping
Arna Botemps
From Dust Tracks on the Road
Zora Neale Hurston
Zora Hurston Arna Botempts Claude McKay Langston Hughes What era?
Harlem Renaissance
The great figure; The red wheelbarrow; this is just to say
William Carlos Williams
A few don’ts by an Imagiste; in a station of the metro
Ezra pound
Pear tree
Ezra Pound
William Williams
Which type of group
anyone lived in a pretty how town; Old age sticks
E.e. Cummings
The unknown citizen
W.h. Auden
The love song of J Alfred Prufrock; The wasteland; The four quartets
T.s. Elliot
The turtle
John Steinbeck
In another country
Ernest Hemingway
Chicago; grass
Carl Sandburg
Nobel prize acceptance speech
William Faulkner
Mending wall; acquainted with the night ;out out; birches ;fire and ice
Robert frost