unit 5 Flashcards
Planting trees and crop together
Growing and harvesting of fish and shellfish for human use in freshwater ponds, irrigation, ditches, and lakes, or in cages or fenced-in areas of coastal lagoons and estuaries or in the open ocean
Land that can be cultivated into growing crops
Bottom trawling
finish by dragging a net close to the sea floor
unwanted caught organisms from fishing
capture fisheries
industries that harvest aquatic resources naturally
decayed natural material used as fertilizer
contour farming
farming along a sloped surface, reating ‘layers’
crop rotation
changing the crops grown in a single are to accomdate different seasons
the enterprise of harvesting fish
food security
reliable access to healthy, safe food.
green revolution
a sudden increase in crop production due to the introduction of modern assiants (ie. fertlizer
industrialized agriculture
uses large vehicles and laege amounts of capital in order to cultivate one type of crop (monoculture)
the act of growing crops in between others
integrated pest management
the combination of direct and indirect methods to prevent pest infestations
the lack of prope healthy nutrients
the simultanous growth of multiple types of crops
riparian right
the rights allocated fgor water consumption to those living alongside a natural water source
the salt content contained within something (usally soil or water
strip cropping
the method of growing crops in alternating rows to prevent soil erosion
conversion of sloped land into several flat planes (steps) for cultivation
traditional subsistence agriculture
cultivating with the intent to fee ones family with the product
contour strip mining
excavation done on hilly areas to expose minerals at a relative equal height to the hillside
depletion time
the amount of time for non-renewable resource to be consumed
a naturally occuring, inorganic element
mineral resource
a hugh concentration (location) of minerals that is profitable to extract
mountaintop removal
a method of surface mining that involves destroying ridelands and mountaintops
high-grade ore
high concentrations of a mineral
low-grade ore
low concentrations of a mineral
the geological material bouve an exploitable resource (ie dirt above a seam of coal)
the removal of overburden followed by the material beneath
subsurface mining
the extraction of valuable mineral without removing the overburden above
surface mining
the extraction of material near the surface of earth
residue left after separating valuable material from its unecomonoc surroundings