Unit 4 vocab Flashcards
a geographical area that has set, recognized boundaries and has an independent government or ruler
the supreme authority of a state to govern itself and make decisions without interference from external forces
a community of people united by common descent, history, culture or language sometimes composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory or government
a sovereign territory with one group of individuals that share a common history
stateless nation
an ethnic group or nation that doesn’t not possess its own sovereign state
multinational state
a state that contains two or more national groups, where no single group is dominant demographically, culturally or politically
autonomous state
a designated area within a country that has a degree of self - governance, allowing it to make certain political, economic, and cultural decisions independently from the central government
semi autonomous state
a territorial area with a larger governing entity that remains some degree of self-governance
multi state nation
a sovereign entity that comprises two or more nations or states
centripetal force
a force that unifies people in a state or brings people to the state
centrifugal force
a force that pulls a country or region apart or pushes people away
a system of domination of one geographical area over others usually by territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control
control by one power over a dependent area or people
Berlin Conference
Meeting at which the major European powers negotiated and formalized claims to territory in Africa
the process by which a group of people form their own state an choose their own government
process by which colonies become independent of colonizing country
certain acts committed with intent to destroy, in part or in whole, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group
Cold war
a period of global geopolitical rivalry between the US and the USSR and their respective allies which lasted from 1947 to 1991 with the dissolution of the USSR
the process by which regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government
the process of establishing ownership and control over a space, whether it is a physical location or a broader neighborhood
the control by a state over another nominally independent state through indirect means
choke point
geographical locations where the flow of people ad good can be constricted and choked off I am event of conflict
antecedent boundary
a boundary that already existed before the present settlement and before the area was populated
subsequent boundary
a political boundary that is established after a certain cultural or social landscape has developed
superimposed boundary
a political boundary that has been imposed on a region by an external authority often without regard for existing cultural or ethnic divisions
relic boundary
a boundary that no longer exists although may still appear on the cultural landscape
geometric boundary
A boundary created by using lines of latitude and longitude and their associated arcs
cultural consequent boundary
a political boundary that is drawn to specifically accommodate existing cultural differences within a region
physical consequent boundary
formed based on cultural, ethnic, or social characteristics of a population to create harmony
militarized boundary
boundary that is heavily guarded and discourages crossing and movement
defined boundary
the specific and clear demarcation of a territory, outlining the limits of political control and governance
delimited boundary
the lines that drawn on a map to represent the limits of a territory or political entity
demarcated boundary
the border that separates two countries or the river that divides two regions
definitional boundary dispute
when two political entity cannot agree on a common definition of where their boundaries lie
locational boundary dispute (territorial dispute)
a disagreement between two or more states about which state exercises sovereignty over a certain part of territory
restoring territories that are claimed to have once belonged to a nation
operational boundary dispute (functional dispute)
dispute over how both sides of boundary operate differently
allocational boundary (resource dispute)
a dispute over the right to resources
administered boundary
a political boundary that is actively managed, protected, and enforced y a sovereign government
demilitarized zone
an area agreed upon between two parties to an armed conflict which cannot be occupied or used for military purposes by any party
a portion of a state or district geographically separated from the main part, by the surrounding alien area
political enclave
a piece of land belonging to one country that is completely surrounded by another country or region
shatter belt
United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
territorial sea
international waters
exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
internal boundary
voting districts
summary statistics that describe geographic areas
federal state
unitary state
ethnic separatism
ethnic cleansing
the breakup of a larger country into smaller independent states which are often hostile towards each other
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) now USMCA - United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
European Union (EU)
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Arctic Council
African Union