Unit 4 - Social Interactions Flashcards
What is a social dilemma?
A situation in which actions taken independently by individuals in pursuit of their own private objectives result in an outcome which is inferior to some other feasible outcome that could have occurred if people had acted together, rather than as individuals.
What is a free ride?
Benefiting from the contributions of others to some cooperative project without contributing oneself.
What is altruism?
The willingness to bear a cost in order to benefit somebody else.
What is game theory?
A branch of mathematics that studies strategic interactions, meaning situations in which each actor knows that the benefits they receive depend on the actions taken by all.
What is a strategic interaction?
A social interaction in which the participants are aware of the ways that their actions affect others (and the ways that the actions of others affect them).
What is a strategy?
An action (or a course of action) that a person may take when that person is aware of the mutual dependence of the results for herself and for others. The outcomes depend not only on that person’s actions, but also on the actions of others.
What is a game?
A model of strategic interaction that describes the players, the feasible strategies, the information that the players have, and their payoffs.
What is division of labour?
The specialization of producers to carry out different tasks in the production process.
What are players?
Who is interacting with whom
What are feasible strategies?
Which actions are open to the players
What is the information (game)?
What each player knows when making their decision
What is a payoff?
The benefit to each player associated with the joint actions of all the players.
What is the best response?
In game theory, the strategy that will give a player the highest payoff, given the strategies that the other players select.
What is a dominant strategy?
Action that yields the highest payoff for a player, no matter what the other players do.
What is the dominant strategy equilibrium?
An outcome of a game in which every player plays his or her dominant strategy.