Unit 4- Rules, principles, legal systems Flashcards
Difference between norms in religion and law
Law conveys a coercive social order
Religion binds only those who believe in it and morality of those who accept it
What is kelson’s theory
A norm is such not because it stipulates a command, but because it stipulates a sanction to be applied in case the command is disobeyed by someone
What structure are norms built in
Conditional structure –> there are punishments and consequences attached to breach of norm
What are the characteristics (scope) of norms?
What is generality in the scope of norms
A norm is applicable to anyone who finds themselves in a state of affairs envisages by the if clause
The norm applies to a wide range of individuals or situations
Leaves room for interpretation and contextualisation
Provides a general guiding principle without specifying the precise actions or behaviours required in particular situations
What are mandatory rules
They establish non negotiable standards that parties must adhere to, even if there is a mutual agreement
Most public law consists of mandatory rules
What are default rules
May be set aside through an agreement between their addresses
Nearly the entirety of private law consists of default rules
Hierarchical order of norms
- Constitution
- Statues
- Administrative Regulations
- Customs
What are primary rules
Rules or laws that govern general society conduct (what we must abide by)
Law against murder
Secondary rules
They have the power to change/ modify/ enforce primary rules –> known as the sources of law
Important role in the historical development of legal order
What are the three major issues that secondary rules combat that primary rules can’t
Uncertainty of the law
Efficiency of the law
Static quality of the law
What are the two meanings of sources
Sources of production
Sources of cognition
What are the sources of production
Determines how laws are formulated, enacted and brought into existence
Change the law through legal acts and facts
What are the sources of production in the italian legal system
- Constitution
- Statues/ enactments
- Regional laws
- Regulations
What are sources of cognition
The mechanisms and criteria used to recognise, identify and acknowledge existing legal rules
Gives legal notice about the sources of production
What does complete and consistent mean in regards to a legal system
Complete: no gaps are to be encountered in its primary rules
Consistent: no contradictions in its primary rules since each relevant case is giben just one legal response
How are gaps in primary norms sorted
May be filled in by secondary rules authorising judges either to create a new law or to extend the scope of law which already exists
To interpret law what are the three ways in which civil law jurisdiction can be applied
Grammatical: sticks to the wording
Historical: reverts to the intention of law maker
Systematic interpretation: derives the meaning of a provision based on the legal system as a whole
Teleological interpretation: emphasises the purpose, objective and underlying goal
What are antinomies
Situations where two legal principles or rules conflict with each other leading to contradictory outcomes/ interpretation
What are the criterions to solve antinomies?
- Hierachal criterion
- Content based criterion
- Time based criterion
What is the “basic” or “grundnorms”?
Typically a secondary rule which aims at identifying primary rules, thus ensuring certainty of a legal system