unit 4 reading Flashcards
whatever your taste in films we
have something for everyone
predictable blockbusters with
sugary-sweet endings and little substance
they met, they fell in love, they
lived happily ever after
you’re bound to find what
you’re looking for
look out
for our movies
films available to general
audiences and film buffs
the team sifted
through the videos
they pasted the videos together to
create a feature-length film
the film shows what
it is like to be alive on Earth today
the film is set in a remote
the old man’s application to learning faces fierce
opposition by parents
parents think that a place in the school is wasted
on an old man
the film uses cutting-edge technology to bring
the story to life
the pterosaurs defied
the film recreates these creatures and invites us
into their world
viewers are immersed
in an ecstatic world
the man her parents want to marry her off is old enough
to be her grandfather
it all sounds like a too-good-
to-be-true story
a supermodel who made her way from
the desert to the catwalk
a story with fantastic elements that we usually say to children
when you live in a country other than your own, you live…
this film appeals to everyone. It appeals to people…
of all tastes
a person that doesn’t know to write and read is
A person that isn’t brave and dislikes taking risks
to admit unwillingly that something is true
to confess