Unit 4 Quiz Flashcards
set of vertices and set of edges that relate to the vertices
how to get from one point to another
Weighted Graph
Graph with “cost” associated with the travel from one vertex to another
Directed Graph
Also called Digraph; a graph where each vertex has a one-way relationship represented with arrows
Cyclic Graph
a graph that contains at least one cycle in it, meaning you can travel back to a vertex.
“All roads lead home”
Acyclic Graph
no cycles allowed
Biconnected Graph
Graph with no articulation points ( vertices whose removal disconnects the graph )
Topological Sort
Printing of vertices ( nodes ) from graph so that if there is a path from Vi to Vj, then Vj appears after Vi. In other words, no prerequisites are violated.
Topological sort has __________ and does not need to be _________
multiple answers ; truly sorted
Trees are always ________
All trees are _______
linked list of linked lists
adjacency list
1d array of pointers to whoever we connect to
Min spanning tree
Tree with minimum number of paths to connect
When does dijkstras fail?
when there is a negative weight