Unit 4: Political Patterns And Processes Flashcards
The final process in the creation of a state’s boundary, this allows for a country to
run the day to day operations.
African Union
Continental union of 55 member states within Africa with the goal of moving the
continent towards peace and prosperity through boosting development, eradication
of poverty, and bringing Africa into the global economy.
Antecedent Boundary
A boundary that existed before the cultural landscape emerged and stayed in place
while people moved in to occupy the surrounding area.
Arctic Council
An intergovernmental forum promoting cooperation, coordination, and interaction
among the Arctic States, Arctic indigenous communities, and other Arctic
inhabitants on common Arctic issues, in particular on issues of sustainable
development and environmental protection of the Arctic.
Association of South
East Asian Nations
Supranational organization promoting the acceleration of economic growth, social
progress, and cultural development in the region through joint endeavors.
Autonomous Regions
A region that exists within another larger entity and has the power to govern itself.
Typically these regions are geographically distinct from the larger entity (Greenland
and Denmark) or is populated by the state’s ethnic minority.
Choke Points
Geographic features on land or sea that is much narrower than the overall
landscape and causes decreased combat power militarily; as such, these are
strategic targets for terrorism or colonial control.
The policy of a state seeking to have authority over other people and territories
accompanied by the transfer of their population to these territories.
Consequent Boundary
A boundary drawn to accommodate existing religious, linguistic, ethnic, or
economic differences between countries.
Cultural Cohesion
The capacity to live together in harmony with a sense of mutual commitment among
citizens of different social or economic circumstances.
Defined Boundary
The second stage of the creation of a boundary where parties formally write down
an agreement setting up the border.
Delimited Boundary
The stage of the creation of a boundary where parties draw borders on a map.
Demarcated Boundary
The third stage of the creation of a boundary where borders are marked on the
landscape through visible means.
Demilitarized Zones
An area in which treaties or agreements between powers or contending groups
forbid military installations, activities, or personnel.
The introduction of democratic systems or principles within a society.
The process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and
political autonomy at the expense of the central government.
Economies of Scale
Cost advantages that businesses and enterprises obtain through the scale of the
operation, typically with per cost unit decreasing with an increasing scale.
Equitable Infrastructure Development
The construction of infrastructure, usually with input from community members, that
attempts to create a more equitable distribution of those resources for a
Established Territorial Seas
Based upon international law, countries have the right to establish a territorial
border within the seas extending to 12 nautical miles.
Ethnic Cleansing
The attempt to create an ethnically homogeneous geographic area through
expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of an ethnic minority.
Ethnic Nationalism (Ethnonationalism)
The right of a group of people who considered themselves separate and distinct
from others to determine for themselves the state in which they will live and the
form of government it will have.
Ethnic Separatism
Movements calling for greater independence or autonomy from a larger territorial
European Union
A supranational organization designed to promote peace, wellbeing of its citizens,
freedom, security, and justice along with sustainable development through
balanced economic growth, combating social exclusion, promoting scientific
progress, etc.
Exclusive Economic Zones
Coastal waters extending no more than 200 nautical miles from the territorial sea
baseline and adjacent to 12 nautical mile territorial sea of a country within which the
country claims exclusive rights for fishing, drilling, and other economic activities.
Failed States
A political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and
responsibilities of governance cease to exist or operate normally.
Federal States
Governing systems that operate with a division of power that is shared among
various levels of governance. (For example: state and federal levels).
Geometric Boundary
A political boundary defined and delimited as a straight line or arc.
The reapportionment of political boundaries that benefit or favor one political party
or class over another.
The practice of domination of one people over another through various forms like
settlement, sovereignty, or indirect mechanisms of control.
Independence Movements
Regions and people who are attempting to seek control over their internal political
affairs through devolution, balkanization, etc.
Independent State
A country free of control.
A policy of attempting to establish cultural cohesion and potential political
expansion by a country aimed at a group of nationals living in a neighboring
Land Boundary
A physical boundary composed of features of land like mountains and deserts.
Maritime Boundary
A Physical boundary composed of features of the seas like rivers, lakes, etc. and
includes those designated in the UNCLOS
Military Alliances
Supranational organization promoting the cooperation of member states through
military measures, like defense treaties.
Multinational State
A country who’s people derive from many different national backgrounds.
Multistate Nation
A group of nationals who are living within two separate states.
A group of people who share a common ethnic background (history, language,
culture, hearth), and who seek or hold political selfdetermination.
A state whose borders coincide with the current distribution of the nationals of that
A more modern form of colonization that refers to the control that MDCs exert over global affairs economically and culturally through multinational corporations.
North Atlantic Treaty
A military alliance aimed at protecting the United States and Western European
allies during the Cold War through a defense treaty and promise of war against
aggressor nations.
The redrawing of electoral districts that coincides with the census so that equal
representation exists in the House of Representatives.
Relic Boundary
A boundary that no longer serves a purpose, but that once did.
The process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own
governmental system.
The ability of a region to govern itself in certain agreed upon areas, but without
full/complete power to govern.
A region whose internal geographical, cultural, religious, and political fragmentation
is compounded by pressures from external powers attracted to the regions strategic
location and/or economic resources.
The authority of a state to govern itself or another state.
A politically organized body of people that occupies a defined territory and includes
sovereignty, circulation of money, permanent populations, and international
Stateless Nation
An ethnic group that is potentially dispersed between multiple state and that does
not have a state of their own.
Subsequent Boundary
A boundary that is established after the settlement of a people with an attempt to
accommodate cultural differences between peoples that exist in the area.
A boundary that is established by an outside power or conquering people without
concern to preexisting cultural boundaries of people that already lived in a space.
Political, economic, cultural, or military cooperation among multiple states to
promote shared objectives through the ceding of some authority to a higher power.
Attitudes and behavior held by a person or group that is based on perceived,
attempted, or actual control of a physical space, object, or idea, which may involve
habitual occupation, defense, personalization, and marking of the territory.
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation especially against civilians in the
pursuit of political aims.
Trade Agreement
Contractual arrangement between states concerning their trade relationships.
Uneven Development
The unequal distribution of people, wealth, and resources. A critique of capitalism,
especially from the Marxist point of view.
Unitary State
A country whose governing power is rested in a central body.
United Nations
A supranational organization developed after WWII with the intention of creating a
more peaceful world through collective security, shared scientific endeavors,
shared economic ventures, among others.
United Nations
Convention on the
Law of the Sea
An international conference (UNCLOS III) developed the agreement that defines
rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to their use of the world’s oceans.
Voting Districts
A territorial subdivision for electing members of the legislative body (also called
electoral districts).