Unit 4/Parenting Flashcards
VISION : Week 4
-Cells form brain tissue from optic nerves
-Optic nerves are thick bundles of nerve fibres
VISION: Week 8
-Retina Develops
-Layers of cells in the back of the eye that process light
VISION:Week 16
-Can differentiate between light and dark
HEARING: Week 2-3
-Ear Canal Develops
-Ear Canal is done developing
- 2 Main Functions: Hearing and Balancing
HEARING: What is the Cochlea?
Hearing Nerves carrying sound signals to brain
TASTE: Week 8
-Brain Neurons connect to developing taste buds
-First Taste is Salty Amniotic Fluid
SMELL: Week 6-7
Olfactory Receptor Neurons Develop
TOUCH: What is Somatosensory System?
Touch receptors throughout the body that connect and relate all signs back to the brain
TOUCH: Week 8
-Facial Receptors develop mostly on lips and nose
LD: 3 Signs of Labour and Delivery
-Lightning: Baby’s head descends into pelvis
-The Show: Mucus Plug Breaks
-Water Break
-Labour begins at 3 cm
-Continues dilation to 10 cm
-Takes 4-8 hours for dilation
-Uterus contracts to move fetus
-Begins every 10 minutes and lasts 30 seconds
-Increases to every 2-3 minutes and lasts to 60 seconds
Normal Fetus Position
Head down and facing the back of the uterus
Abnormal Fetus Position
Positioned in a way that endagers delivery
-Feet or booty first
-Head down but facing front
6 Reasons for C-Section
- Labour too long and difficult
2.Baby/Mother health is in danger
3.Baby is in Breech position (wrong)
4.Problem with Umbilical cord or Placenta
5.Baby gets stuck in Pelvis
6.Mother has STI which disrupts contraction
Incision between the vagina and the booty to help delivering during the second stage of labour
Pain relief injection in the spine that blocks transmission of pain signals.
Premature Birth
Birth of baby less than 36 weeks of gestational age
3 Pregnancy Hormones:
-Produced in Hypothalamus
-Stored in posterior Pituitary Gland
-Enhanced by Touch
-Cope with stress and pain
-Produced by Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
-Helps relieve pain and reduce stress
3 Functions of Oxytocin
-Regulation of Lactation
-Strengthen uterine contraction
-Control bleeding after childbirth
-Also Known as Lactopropin or PRL
-Stimulates breast and milk developement
-Maintains reproductive health and immunity in men