Unit 4: Newly Industrialized Countries (Mexico, Iran, and Nigeria) Flashcards
Dependency Theory
economic development of many countries in the world is blocked by the fact that industrialized nations exploit underdeveloped nations
Failed state
a state within which the government has lost the ability to provide the most basic of public services
Hybrid regimes
has elements of both democracy and authoritarianism
Original peoples of North and South America; indigenous people
Vast informal networks of personal royalty that operate as powerful political cliques
The process by which individuals are brought into a beneficial relationship with the state, making them dependent on the states for certain rewards
National military strongmen, who dominated Mexican politics in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Federal Election Commission
the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law
someone mixed Amerindian and European descent. People who are mestizo are in the middle class position.
“Mexican Miracle”
A period from the 1940s to the 1970s wherein rapid industrialization promoted high levels of economic growth and improved living standards, which gave rise to a new middle class with rising expectations.
A trade agreement between North America that reduce tariffs, eliminate trade barriers, create a common market, and increase trade/investment. Canada, United States, and Mexico can trade more easily.
a government owned corporation to compersate for the lack of private economic development or to ensure complete and equitable service to the whole country
a national oil company set up in Mexico to run the oil industry.
Pendulum theory
back & forth effect between socialist reform and free-market economic development
Plurality (FPTP) electoral system
the candidate with the highest number (but not necessarily a majority) of votes is elected.
Proportional representation electoral system
Political parties nominate their candidates for proportional appointments before the election. For a party to be eligible for proportional-appointment seats they must run candidates in at least 30 districts and receive at least 3% of the vote throughout the state
a conservative political party in Mexico founded in 1939. The party is one of the three main political parties in Mexico, and, since the 1980s, has had success winning local, state, and national elections.
Role played by elected representatives who act as trustees or as delegates, depending on the issue
“Order, Liberty, and Progress” Diaz’s slogan. It signified the economic reform that Diaz created by modernizing Mexico.
Purchasing power parity theory. A theory which states that the exchange rate between one currency and another is in equilibrium when their domestic purchasing powers at that rate of exchange are equivalent
The Party of the Democratic Revolution is a social democratic political party that is one of the three major political parties in Mexico.
Mexican political party founded in 1929, that held power from 1929 to 2000, first as the National Revolutionary Party, then as the Party of the Mexican Revolution.
6-year term served by Mexican presidents
a faction within the ruling PRI that rose to prominence in the 1980 s through promotion of Neoliberal economic reforms. US and European educated, these members were in conflict with the corporatist dinosaurios.
Assembly of Religious Experts
a faction within the ruling PRI that rose to prominence in the 1980 s through promotion of Neoliberal economic reforms. US and European educated, these members were in conflict with the corporatist dinosaurios.
Equality with difference
Policy toward women. Meaning divorce and custody laws follow Islamic standards that favor males. Women must wear scarves and long coats in public, cannot leave country without consent of male relatives, stoning for adultery, allowed education, and entrance to occupations.
Guardian council
created by the Constitution of 1906 to act as a check on the Majles. It is composed of 12 men. Half the members are appointed by the Supreme Leader and half are nominated by the chief judge and approved by the Majles. The Guardian Council can veto legilation passed by the Majles.
Hidden Imam
The belief is that one day the Hidden Imam will re-emerge. Until then, the leaders of Iran represent the true heirs of Islam
s an Islamic leadership position. For Sunni Muslims, Imam is most commonly used as the title of a worship leader of a mosque. In this context, imams may lead Islamic worship services, lead prayers, serve as community leaders, and provide religious guidance.
Unicameral house in the Iranian legislature, directly elected with 209 seats, created in 1906 and validated in Constitution of 1979. Powers of the Majles. Enacts or changes laws, interprets legislation, appoints six members of the Guardian Council, investigate public complaints.
National Front
political party in Iran following WWII; opposed monarchy and favored a greater Iranian control over natural resources; Outlawed after AJAX
Rentier state
a country that obtains a hefty income by exporting raw materials or leasing out natural resources to foreign companies.
the religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition.It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith.
The Shia are one of the two major branches of Islam. The other major branch, the Sunni are the majority. Shias believe that the Ayatollahs are the only rightful interpreters of shari’a law.
A branch of Islam whose members acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful successors of Muhammad.
A political system in which the religious lite dominate the regime
a region of E Nigeria, formerly a local government region: seceded as an independent republic (1967–70) during the Civil War, but defeated by Nigerian government forces.
Boko Haram
Initially focused on opposing Western education - gaining the nickname Boko Haram, which means “Western education is forbidden” in the Hausa language.
Congress for progressive change, a political party founded in Nigeria in 2009 in preparation for the April 2011 elections. It was the 63rd political party to be founded in the country
the place of origin of all humankind and is therefore of particular religious and political importance. Here the deities Odudua and Obatala, under instruction from the creator Olodumare, began the creation of the world.
a large group in Nigeria who are mostly Christian. They are located in the southeast part of Nigeria. They have conflicts with the Yoruba and tried to become a independent nation.
Loyalty pyramid
a large group in Nigeria who are mostly Christian. They are located in the southeast part of Nigeria. They have conflicts with the Yoruba and tried to become a independent nation.
A system of governance in which a single ruler treats the state as personal property (patrimony). Appointments to public office are made on the basis of unswerving loyalty to the ruler.
Revenue sharing
the distribution of a portion of federal tax revenues to state and local governments.
a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition. It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam and is based on the sacred scriptures of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith.
A West African people who formed several kingdoms in what is now Benin and Southern Nigeria