Unit 4 (John) Flashcards
John 1
The Word becomes flesh
John 2
Wedding in Cana, cleansing of the Temple
John 3
Nicodemus and the new birth
John 4
woman at the well (in Samaria)
John 5
healing at pool of Bethesda, coming resurrection of the dead
John 6
feeding of 5,000; discourse on bread of life
John 7
Jesus defended by Nicodemus
John 8
Jesus the light of the World; true children of Abraham
John 9
healing of man born blind
John 10
Jesus the good shepherd
John 11
raising of Lazarus
John 12
Mary anoints Jesus, triumphal entry, Greeks come to Christ
John 13
Jesus washes disciples’ feet
John 14
Jesus leaving to prepare a dwelling place; promise of the Holy Spirit
John 15
vine and branches
John 16
Spirit reproving the world
John 17
Christ’s high priestly prayer
John 18
John 19
John 20
Resurrection, unbelief of Thomas
John 21
Jesus appears at sea of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee)