Unit 4 Government and the Macroeconomy Flashcards
Local government
a government organisation with the authority to administer a range of policies within an area of the country
Natural monopoly
an industry where a single firm can produce at a lower average cost than two or more firms because of the existence of significant economies of scale
Strategic industries
industries are important for the economic development and safety of the country
National champions
industries that are, or have the potential to be, world leaders
Trade blocs
a regional group of countries that remove trade restrictions between them
Free international trade
the exchange of goods and services between countries without restriction
Economic growth
an increase in the output of an economy in the long run, an increase in the economy’s productive potential
Actual economic growth
an increase in the output of an economy
Potential economic growth
an increase in an economy’s productive capacity
Aggregate demand
the total demand for a country’s product at a given price level. It consists of consumer expenditure, investment, government spending and net exports (exports-imports)
Aggregate supply
the total amount of goods and services that domestic firms are willing to supply at a given price level
Full employment
the lowest level of unemployment possible
Economically active
being a member of the labour force
Unemployment rate
the percentage of the labour force who are willing and able to work but are without jobs
Price stability
the price level in the economy not changing significantly over time
Inflation rate
the percentage rise in the price level of goods and services over time
Balance of payments
the record of a country’s economic transactions with other countries
the relationship between government revenue and government spending
Budget deficit
government spending is higher than government revenue
Budget surplus
government revenue is higher than government spending
National debt
the total amount the goverment has borrowed over time
Multiplier effect
the final impact on aggregate demand being greater than initial change
Direct taxes
taxes on income and wealth
Indirect taxes
taxes on expenditure
Progressive tax
one which takes a larger percentage of the income or wealth of the rich
Proportional tax
one which takes the same percentage of income or wealth of all taxpayers
Regressive tax
one which takes a larger percentage of the income or wealth of the poor
Automatic stabilisers
forms of government expenditure and taxations that reduce fluctuations in economic activity, without any change in government policy