Unit 4: Exemptions and Dependents Flashcards
A spouse is never considered the __ of the other spouse.
Taxpayers are allowed to take an exemption for __ and for their __.
The 2012 exemption amount is $__ per person.
Themselves; dependents
The personal exemption is just like a __.
Tax deduction.
If a taxpayer can claim another person as a dependent, the dependent cannot take a __ on his own tax return.
Personal exemption
Dependency Test #1-Citizenship or Residency Test: Dependent must be a __ or __ of __, __, or __. There is also an exception for __ adopted children.
Citizen; Resident
US, Canada, Mexico
Dependency Test #2-Joint Return Test: A dependent cannot file a joint return with his __. If they file a joint return, they cannot be taken as a __ by another __. Exception: This rule doesn’t apply if the joint return is filed by the dependent only to claim a __ and no __ exists for either spouse.
Spouse; dependent; taxpayer
Refund; tax liability
Dependency Test #3-Qualifying Child of More Than One Person: Only __ can claim the dependent on his tax return.
One person
Dependency Test #4-Dependent Taxpayer Test: If a person can be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer, that person can’t __.
Claim anyone as a dependent on their tax return.
Once the preparer determines that a dependent may be claimed on a taxpayer’s return, they must decide the type of dependency. Two types of dependents: __ and __
Qualifying child
Qualifying relative
A __ entitles a taxpayer to numerous tax credits, including the __ and the __. A __ does not qualify a taxpayer for the __.
Qualifying child; Earned Income Credit; Child Tax Credit.
Qualifying relative; EIC
Qualifying Child Test #1-Relationship Test: The QC must be related to the taxpayer by __, __, or __.
Blood, marriage, legal adoption
Qualifying Child Test #2-Age Test: The QC must be either:
- Under the age of __ at EOY
- Under the age of __ and a __
- ______
24, full-time student
Permanently and totally disabled at any time during the year (of any age)
Qualifying children include:
A child or step child An adopted child A sibling or step sibling A descendant of one of the above An eligible foster child
A QC is considered a full-time student of he attends a qualified educational institution full-time at least __ of the year
5 months
Qualifying Child Test #3-Support Test: A QC cannot provide more than __ of his own support. __ are not included but __ are.
Scholarships; foster care payments
Qualifying Child Test #4-Residence Test: A QC must live with taxpayer for __. Exceptions apply for __, __, __, and __.
More than 1/2 the year.
Children of divorced parents, kidnapped children, temporary absences, children who were born or died during the year.
(A temporary absence includes illness, college, vacation, military service, incarceration in a juvenile facility)
Qualifying Child Test #5-The Tie-Breaker Test: If more than one person attempts to claim the same child, the order of who it goes to is: (6)
1) The parents, if they file a joint return
2) The parent, only if one of the persons is the child’s parent
3) The parent with whom the child loved the longest during the year
4) If same amount, parent with highest AGI
5) Person with highest AGI if no parent can claim the child
6) Person with higher AGI than any parent who can claim child but does not.
Qualifying Relative Test #1 - Relationship Test (or Member of Household): Which family members do NOT have to live with the taxpayer to meet this test?
OR the dependent (can be unrelated) must have lived with the taxpayer ____.
- Child, stepchild, foster child or any descendant
- Sibling, step sibling, half sibling
- Parent, grandparent, stepparent, or other direct ancestor (not including foster parents)
- Niece, nephew, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law
The entire tax year
Qualifying Relative Test #2 - Gross Income Test: A qualifying relative cannot earn more than the __, which in 2012 is $__.
Personal exemption amount; $3800
Qualifying Relative Test #3 - Total Support Test: Taxpayer must provide ___ the QR’s support during the year. “Total support” includes ___, but doesn’t include __.
More than half
Social security and welfare payments; Nontaxable scholarships
QR Test #3 - Total Support Test - Multiple Support: When 2 or more ppl agree to provide a person’s support, together they must pay __ of the person’s total support, but no one person may pay __. Taxpayer who claims the dependent must provide __ of the person’s support.
More than half; more than half
More than 10%
Qualifying Relative Test #4 - Joint Return Test: If the dependent is married, he cannot ___, unless the return is filed solely to __.
File a joint return with his spouse; Obtain a refund or withheld income taxes.
Qualifying Relative Test #5 - Citizenship or Residency Test: A QR must be a citizen of resident alien of: ___,___,___
USA, Canada, Mexico
Special rule for children of divorced or separated parents: The custodial parent may still allow the noncustodial parent to claim ___ even if the child ___. The noncustodial parent must attach IRS Form ___ to claim the ___.
Dependency exemption; did not live with them.
8832 (Release/Revocation of Release of Claim
to Exemption for Child by Custodial Parent); Dependency exemption.
A taxpayer may NOT claim a dependency exemption for a ___, such as a ___, even if they lived with the taxpayer.
Household employee; nanny
Nanny Tax: If a taxpayer pays a household employee $__ or more in 2012, he must withhold and pay __. If they pay $__ or more in any one quarter in 2012, they must pay __. Taxpayers who pay household income taxes must file a __ along with their 1040.
$1800; Social security and medicare taxes.
$1000; Federal unemployment tax
Schedule H
Kiddie Tax: Part of a child’s investment income may be taxed at the parent’s rate if:
-More than $__ in 2012
-Child is under age of __ or a __ under the age of __
-Child is required to file a __ for the tax year
Child does not file a __ for the tax year
19; full-time college student; 24
Tax return
Tax return
Kiddie Tax: For 2012, the first $__ of __ a child or college student earns is offset by the ___, and the next $__ is taxed at the __. All unearned income in excess of $__ is taxed at the __.
$950; unearned income; $950 standard deduction for dependents.
$950; child’s rate
$1,900; parent’s rate