Unit 4 - electrons Flashcards
An element with high first ionization energy will come from the family—?
Nobel Gases
The current periodic table is arranged in what order?
Increasing atomic number
Ionization energy/electronegativity moves
Decreases from top to bottom
Increases from left to right
Atomic size/radius moves
Increases top to bottom
Decreases left to right
Quantum models
T- electrons w/ protons and empty space
R- electrons move around nucleus
B- electrons orbit nucleus in set paths
Q- electrons in orbitals
What happens when electrons jump back to their ground state from excited state?
They give off same amount of energy that they received to return to ground state
How do electrons enter orbital
By spinning clockwise and counter-clockwise
What determines chemical nature
Valence electrons
Each electron occupies lowest energy available
Auf-bau’s principle
Max of 2 electrons in one orbital of opp. spins
Pauli’ exclusion principle
Single electron w/ same spin must occupy each equal energy
Hund’s rule
How many orbitals make up s,p,d,f
What is max number of sub levels possible for third energy level
What does term principal quantum number refer to?
Relative number of size and energy of atomic orbitals
Group 1 is
Alkali metal
Group 2 is
Alkaline earth metal
Group 3-12
Transition metals
First row of inner transition metals
Lanthanide metals
Second row of inner transitional metals
Actintide metals
Group 17
Group 18
Nobel Gases
Most reactive non-metals