Unit 4 Definitions Flashcards
Region of water at or near the earth’s surface waters.
Outer part of solid earth, composed of rock.
The region of the planet where organisms live.
A mixture of gases that surround the earth.
Carbon Sink
Something which absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases.
Slow Carbon Cycle
Moves carbon between the atmosphere, lithosphere, and oceans.
Fast Carbon Cycle
The carbon cycle operating on a daily basis, as living things breathe and digest food.
Carbonation Weathering
The mixing of water with carbon dioxide to make carbonic acid.
Acid Rain
Rainfall which has an acidity level beyond what is expected in non-polluted rainfall.
Calcium Bicarbonate
The solution which occurs on rocks which contain calcium carbonate.
How smells spread out through the air and how concentrated liquids spread out when placed in water.
Carbon Sequestration
The capturing, removal and permanent storage of C02 from the earth’s atmosphere.
Plants and organisms transforming light energy into chemical energy.
The process by which organisms exchange gases within the environment.
The action of breaking something into smaller parts.
The burning of material, when organic material burns in the presence of oxygen.
Fossil Fuel
Non - Renewable energy resources such as coal, gas and oil.