Unit 4 All in a Day's Work Flashcards
a clear sense of purpose
to have a good idea of the aim that you want to achieve
be to your advantage to
to do something thatmakesyou morelikelytosucceed
be useless at
to be very bad at something
come in useful
to behelpfulin aparticularsituation
for a purpose
the aim that something is intended to achieve
make good use of
to use someone or something for aparticularpurpose,especiallyone thatbringsabenefitto you
purpose in life
anaimormeaningin yourlifebecause there is something that youwanttoachieve
put you at a disadvantage
to be less likely to succeed than other people or things
see the point of
to understand what someone is trying to say, especially when you disagree with it
seem a bit pointless
to lack any purpose or use
take full advantage of
to use asituationoropportunityto get what youwant
there comes a point in life
to reach a particular stage in your existence
cover your back
to takeactiontoprotectyourself againstcriticism,blame orlegalproblems
get your head down
tocontinuedoing something by concentrating and working hard
have the stomach for
to have enoughdeterminationto do somethingunpleasantordangerous