Unit 4 Flashcards
Any development of ________ or more _________ building sites or units requires registration.
20, residential
If not registered or approved by a regional, county, or municipal planning authority, a subdivision developer must register with who?
The RE Commission
True or False? ALL residential building conversions, including time-shares, require registration if over 20+ units?
True or False? Campsites are exempt?
Name the steps of foreclosure in CO
- The lender (bank) files a Notice Of Election and Demand (NED) with a public trustee. Every bank has a different amount of patience - no set amount of months.
- The public trustee advertises the foreclosure sale
- If there is a public trustee or seller carry (seller financed) transactions, the deed is closed in (Judicial) court.
What is a Right-to-cure?
A period of time where the borrower must bring current all past-due payments and pay all lender fees (not the total loan balance, just what is due).
How can you stop a foreclosure?
Pay all fees that are due during the right-to-cure period.
What notice states how long the borrower has to bring all payments current?
Notice Of Election and Demand (NED)
When is the foreclosure sale scheduled?
Upon filing of the Notice of Election and Demand
How is the right-to-cure period determined?
By the property type
How long is the right-to-cure period for a nonagricultural (residential/commercial) property?
110 to 125 days
How long is the right-to-cure period for an agricultural property?
215 to 230 days
What is an exceleration clause?
If the borrower isn’t paying, the lender is “excelerating” the loan to become due
What is a deficiency judgement?
If the amount received at the sale was less than the lien, the lender can file for a deficiency judgement (NOT a default judgement)
What is it called when a party takes over a foreclosure and does not make payments but collects rent?
Equity skimming (it is a felony in CO)
What is a homeowner’s exemption?
If you default on your property, you get the first 60K (standard) of equity. 90k if you are disabled or 60+ y/o. Most deed of trusts state that the individual waives the right so no one gets it.
Sellers who finance a property should act like a bank and…
- have the buyer waive the seller’s homestead rights
- supply a mortgagee’s policy
- have an attorney create the finance docs
What is a conveyance?
Conveyance is the act of transferring an ownership interest in a property from one party to another. Conveyance also refers to the written instrument, such as a deed or lease, that transfers the legal title of a property from the seller to the buyer.
How do you convey water rights?
- Real property is conveyed by a deed.
- Water is not automatically transferred with real property in CO (NOT an appurtenance)
- May be severed and sold independently from the land
What is an appurtenance
In real estate, after something is installed onto a property, it can be called an appurtenance. Meaning it is passed on to a new owner if the property is sold.
What are the most complex type of water rights that we see tied to land?
Agricultural property and tied to irrigation canals
2 deeds + a bill of sale gets you what?
A house, water rights, and personal rights
What does the Doctrine of prior appropriation do?
- Governs CO water rights
- Used in many state where water is scarce
- The first user diverting to beneficial use has the first claim on the water (whoever claimed rights to the water gets it first)
What do well permits allow you the ability to do?
- Use and maintain the water in a well
- Someone else might own it though