Unit 4 Flashcards
The curious mix of perfect vision and face blindness illustrates the distinction between…
Sensation and perception
The process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment
The process of organizing and interpreting sensory info allowing us to recognize events and objects
Analysis that begins with the sensory receptors and works up to the brains integration of sensory information
Bottom up processing
Difference between bottom up and top down processing
Bottom up: developing experiences when experiencing something for the 1st time.
Top down: prior experiences using past to build sensations
Simple definition of….
Energies or stimuli that are five major senses take in
Awareness of senses, simple definition
Focus on stimuli with sensations
Selective attention
Failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere
I attentional blindness
Failing to notice changes in the environment
Change blindness
The study of relationships between physicial characteristics of stimuli, like intensity and our psychological experience of them
Conversion of one form of energy to another, neural impulses
Minimum Point of detection, based on expectations alertness, and experiences. The minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular similar 50% of the time
Absolute threshold
Assumes there is no single absolute threshold and that detection varies from person to person.
Signal detection theory
Below ones absolute threshold, take info in all the time
Can link up one think with another to remember, activation of things—one perception, memory, or response
Minimum amount of stimulus for something to alter before noting a change.
Difference threshold
Principle that two stimuli differ by a constant percentage
Weber’s law
More exposure to stimuli, less affect
To physical characteristics of light that help determine our sensory experience of them
Wavelength and intensity
The distance from one wave peak to the next, determines its hue
The color we experience
The amount of energy in light waves, influences brightness
Cells that derive their name from their ability to respond to a scenes specific feature
Feature detector