Unit 4 Flashcards

Interior Church of San Carlo all Quattro Fontane, Borromini, 1638-41

exterior church of san carlo alle quattro fontane, Borromini, 1665-67

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa, Bernini, 1645-52

The Calling of St. Matthew, Caravaggio, 1599-1600

Triumph of the Name of Jesus, Baciccio, 1676-79

Las Meninas, Diego Velazquez, 1656
crazy guy, windmills, knights errand, funny, characters evolve
Don Quixote, Cervantes, 1605, 1616
3 sections, recit, sinfonia, aria, love duet
The Coronation of Poppea, Monteverdi, 1642

Toccata No 3, Frescobaldi, mid 1600s

Trio Sonata Op 3 No 2, Corelli, 1689

The Abduction of the Sabine Women, Poussin, 1633-34
comedy, play, french, main character is a hypocrite and no one but the women sees that
Tartuffe, Moliere, 1664
based on Hippolytus, some classicism involved, balanced structure, messed up family love relationships
Phaedra, Racine, 1677
epic poem, about the fall and redemption of man, Satan is main character, extremely long and descriptive similes
Paradise Lost, Milton, 1674
social contract, people need an all powerful sovereign, all that is real is material
Leviathan, Hobbes, 1651

Dido’s Lament from Dido and Aeneas, Purcell, 1689

Death of King Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency, Rubens, 1622-25

Kitchen Maid, Vermeer, 1660-65

The Night Watch, Rembrandt, 1642