Unit 4 Flashcards
Political Geography
The study of the organization of the world and how different groups hold power over territory
a politically organized independent territory with a government, defined borders, and a permanent population
A state’s government has the right to defend their territory and determine what happens within their borders
A group of people tied together through common cultural identity
Territories occupied by people who consider themselves a nation
Self Determination
The right for people to choose their political status
The European drive to create large empires by acquiring overseas territories and exploiting the land
Berlin Conference
A European decided conference over African boundaries
An attempt to influence, affect, or control people
The use of economic, political, or cultural pressures to influence other countries
Choke points
Narrow, strategic passageways to another place through which it’s difficult to pass
Areas of frequent conflict in which states are often breaking up and reforming
Defines Boundary
Legally binding contract for a boundary signed and agreed upon
Delimit Boundary
Drawing lines on a map and agreeing on them
Demarcated Boundary
Physical markers to show the boundaries between states
Geometric Boundary
Political boundaries that are defined and delimited by straight lines.
Antecedent Boundary
a boundary that existed beforethe cultural landscape emerged and stayed in place while people moved in to occupy the surrounding area…
Subsequent Boundary
a boundary that developed with the evolution of the cultural landscape and is adjusted as the cultural landscape changes…
Super Imposed Boundary
boundary that has been forced upon the inhabitants of an area to solve a problem and/or conflict, i.e., Indonesia/Papua New Guinea
Physical Boundary
political boundary that separates territiories according to natural features in the landscpae, such as mountains, rivers or deserts.
The process of drawing districts for political purposes
Drawing a political district to help your own party
Federal States
Power is delegated between central and regional govs
Unitary States
Central gov maintains all affairs
Concurrent Powers
Powers both federal and regional govs have
The process where a central government transfers power and authority to regional or local governments within a state
Ethnic Separatism
Occurs when a region of a state feels a strong sense of pride for something they are not legally apart of
Ethnic Cleansing
Eradication of minority groups
Supranational Organization
Alliances of 3+ states that work together in the pursuit for common goals and mutual benefitiality
A form of nationalism where a nation is defined primarily by ethnicity
Centripetal Forces
A attitude that unifies people and enhances support for a stat
Centrifugal Forces
Factors that push people and groups away from one another, often leading to fragmentation within a society or state.
Failed State
A country where the government has lost the ability to effectively control its territory and provide basic services to its citizens