Unit 4 Flashcards
2/4 Time Signature
Top number- 2 beats per measure, Bottom number- Quarter note is worth 1 beat
Dot under/over the note, play these notes very short
Symbol that occurs before a note, play this note one key to the left
Half step
Distance between a key on the piano and the IMMEDIATE next key
Whole Step
Distance between one key on the piano and 2 keys away/2 keys away from the written note- black key to another black key, white key to another white key USUALLY
Chord (group of notes) with 4 pitches in it
Major scale
2 tetrachords put together (4+4=8)
ff Play very loudly
Symbol that means to play the white key of that pitch (G# black key, Gb black key, G natural white key
Key signature: key of C & G major
Key of C Major- no sharps and no flats in this key
Key of G Major- 1 sharp, F#
Syncopated notes
Notes that occur on non-strong / weak beats