Unit 4 Flashcards
Ministered boundary
A border those actively managed, protected and administered.
To incorporate into an existing political unit, such as a country, state, county or city this afternoon occurs when combining two or more specific boundaries, create a large state.
antecedent boundary
Borders that are established before there has been a major settlement by people in a territory.
Self government, political control
Balance of power
A Condition of roughly equal strengths between opposing countries to alliances of countries.
process by which a state breaks down through complex among its ethnicities specific to the breakdown of Yugoslavia.
A strategic, narrow waterway between two larger bodies of water.
consequent boundary
Type of subsequent boundary takes into account the existing cultural distribution of the people living in the territory and redeveloped boundary lines more closely aligned with cultural boundaries.
The action of changing from colonial to independent status.
define boundary
Boundary is created in agreement between two parties in a treaty or other legal document.
Delimited boundary
A boundary that was drawn on a map by cartography.
demarcated boundary
Identified by physical objects, place on the landscape, such as a sign, wall, or fence.
Demilitarized zone
zone from which military forces, our operations or installations are prohibited
The process of creating a government elected by the people
The transfer of powers and responsibilities from the federal government to local powers
economies of scale
Factors that caused a producers average cost per unit to far as output rises
Ethnic cleansing
Removing one ethnic city out of the state
ethnic separaitism
separating one ethnicity from another ethnicity
The identification and loyalty a person may feel for his or her nation
exclusive, economic zones
An area of coastal water and seabed, within a certain distance of a country’s coastline, to which the country claims exclusive rights for fishing, drilling, and other economic activities.
Failed state
States in which the central government has lost authority and resorts to deadly force to retain power
Federal state
The organization of a state in which power is shared between the federal government and internal regional units
Forward capital
Capital city positioned in actually or potentially contested territory, usually near an international border, it confirms the states determination to maintain its presence in the region in contention
geometric boundary
Political boundaries are the defined in the delimited by straight lines
Maritime boundary
An international boundary that lives in the ocean like all boundaries. It is a vertical plane, extending from the seafloor to the upper limit of the aerospace in the atmosphere above the water.
The redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines, following the census to accommodate population, shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population
A politically organized independent territory with a government, define borders, economic systems, social systems, transportation systems, and international recognition. Basically a Country.
Study of government and its policies, as affected by physical geography
redrawing of Congressional boundaries by the political power in charge. These boundaries then strengthen that political parties, ability to maintain power or enough votes for reelection.
International waters
Waters, outside of the territorial waters owned by states
Attempts by a state to acquire territories in neighboring states, inhabited by people of the same nation
Law of the sea
Law, establishing states rights and responsibilities concerning the ownership, and use of the Earth seas and oceans and their resources
multinational state
State that contains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self determination that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nations
Multi state nation
A nation the cross is the border between multiple states
Shatter belt
A region caught between stronger, colliding, external cultural political forces under persistent stress, and often fragmented by aggressive rivals
Neo colonialism
the use of economic, political, culture, or other pressures to control or influence other countries
A politically organized body of people under a single government has a shared history
A nation that also meets the requirements of a state
relic boundary
A boundary that is no longer use, but can still be seen in the cultural landscape
Concepts the ethnicities have the right to govern themselves
Ability of a state to govern its territory, free from control of its internal affairs by other states
stateless nation
Nationality that is not represented by state
Subsequent boundary
Borders drawn in areas that have been settled by people and where, cultural, landscapes already exist, or are the process of being established
Superimposed boundary
A boundary line imposed by outside powers with regard to local geography or cultures