Unit 4 Flashcards
What amounted to a system of Pluralism
American’s affiliation with a variable number of interest groups
Why did the Colonists create associations?
for Collective Benefit
What challange did “individualism” create
the need for people to find a way to fix problems they couldn’t fix be theirseelves.
Who founded the first association and what was it?
Benjamin Franklin, Union Fire Company
What did Tocqueville refer to clubs as
Great schools, free of charge to learn the general theory of associations.
What as a system of pluralism
an affiliation with a variable number of groups whose net effect is considered to be the moderation of individual American. rulting in the entire politica system.
Why do interest groups exist
to influence government.
What do interest groups do?
Seek to affect public policy.
Do interest groups typically focus on all policies?
No they focus on a single area, but they also are interested in other groups whose interest may affect theirs.
What is the terms of these interst groups
Special or single-interest groups.
Are single-interest groups the same as a political party? Why?
no, because POLITICAL PARTIES generally seek to mold police in ALL areas.
Why does DEMOCRACY explain the existence of interest groups?
Democratic governments are set up to listen to public input, and an organized group is more easily hear than a scattered collection of individuals.
What are other reasons for interest groups in a democracy?
Diversity and Division. Because the population doesnt have the same beliefs and our government is fragmented.
Why do clubs/associations originate
Because of their ‘founders’ perception of self-interest.
what are 3 access point for interest groups to contact?
- Lobbying Congress
- Lobbying executive agencies for favorable regulations
- The legal system to affect laws, regulations and their implementation.
Is the access persued on Local, State or Federal levels?
Yes, all three.
What are reasons that bring people to joins these clubs and associations?
- material benefit, 2. Feel good about themselves 3.. For employment 4. to promote the well-being of their industry, or other common interest. 5. for change in public policy to promote to benefit the individual or a society they prefer.
What is the KEY to these special interest groups gaining this attention of the governement? How?
ORGANIZATION. It seperates INTERESTS from INTEREST GROUPS. Analogy: A chorus VS a crowd.
What is meant by Organization,
Structure, consisting basically of LEADERSHIP and MEMBERSHIP.
What does leadership provide?
Direction, for the group’s activities.
What Membership provide?
mainly financing and popular support, but may also provide some activity like picketing or calling government officials.
What is the primary need for an organization to achieve success?
Where do these organizations resource for funds?
What allows a group to function effectively?
As these organizations become larger, what problems arise?
The larger the group becomes or the broader their interest, the more difficult it is to organize, collect resoureces and take action.
What is the biggest challange groups pursuing COLLECTIVE or PUBLIC GOODS? (Consumer, Enviornmental, and issue groups)
Why is FREE-RIDER a problem?
Because when these groups persue ‘collective or public good, the results do not only benefit those who contributed either time or recourses. So, it encourages people to be less involved, and THE LACK OF ACTION is the problem AS WELL AS LACK ON INCENTIVE.
How do Interest groups overcome the problem of benefits to those who don’t contribute?
They can have “selective incentives” or “selective benefits” such as T-shirts, trips, discounts to activities and travel, subscriptions, tickets to outside events.
What is the main mis-conception about charitable groups?
That they redistribute wealth from generous ‘haves” to appreciative ‘have-nots?
How do these groups perpetuate the idea of “democracy”?
The members learn to make proposals, debate them, vote on them and abide by the results. So, they provide a “training ground” for democratic participation.
What kind of individuals rise to the top of organizations and assume control?
Those with charisma, strength, leadership ability, intelligence, wealth and access to influential individuals, etc.
So, if wealth and access to wealthy are key traits, does this affect what the interests are of the organization?
Of course, their interests will be aligned with the interests of the wealthy and corporations?
What kind of groups fall in this category?
Political parties, ideological groups, election candidates, campaing committees.
So, what is the negative effect of these groups?
They constantly solicit for dues and donations from people of “modest means” by using scare tactics, or words to alarm and inflame.
What group is most vunerable to this type of shrewed fundraising?
The elderly. but it also hurts lower middle class and middle class people too because of their limits funds.
What is most heinous of this collection ctivity?a
First, these groups are not really doing any activity that helps lower or middle class, and secondly, the funds serve more to help the managers prosper than whatever activity they are supporting.
Is there a way to find out what these organizations are focused on?
Yes, through The U.S. Senate Office of Public Records, an organization called OPENSECRETS.ORG.
What is the pharse used to describe the misconception of what these organizations are actually doing and what the general public think they are doing?
A divergence between Mythology and reality.
Is there a section of these organizations that involved the widest misconception?
Yes, the NON-PROFIT Sector.
Of the 3examples did the assigment give to particular groups? (Example one)
United Way of America, booking first class tickets, limos, huge salary. The money they were begging for was going for that purpose.
Of the 3 examples, explain the second one.
Muscular Dystrophy Association, Labor Day weekend, got free airtime for 24 hours. Show kept creeping up the amount of donations towards $60 million, when the $60 million was already raised beofer they went on air. This was done to encourage excitement to raise more money.
Of the 3 examples, explain the third one.
Charties and religious organizations, teleevangelists. Pat Robertson manipulated countless ederly people to provide their bankaccount #, so they can debit their accounts month. usually discovered when they die.
When a group of journalists and academic researchers conducted a study to determina just how gullible Americans were with charties what did they find.
The set up in front of a store with seperate pots for several fake charties. People walked past and dumped funds in charties that didn’t even exist.
What does NON-PROFIT Mean?
It means there are no owners of the corporation that are seeking to make a profit. Usually a business MUST make a profit, according to the IRS.
What name do economists give to the Nonprofit section?
So, what is A divergence between Mythology and reality.
They promote that they are collecting to help the poor and sick. How much of what they collect is circumspect, because they are formidable economic engines.
So, what does ‘formidable economic engine really mean?
They accounted ofr 5% of the GDP, 8% of the economy’s wages, and 10% of jobs.
So if they dont make money, then what happens if they reach their ‘goals”? Do they stop collecting or give the money back?
No, it just calls this money “SURPLUS” and that money goes to lavish salarlies, purchase of realestate, benefits to the elite, which has nothing to do with helping the poor or sick.
So, how is this harmful?
the nonprofit sector inconspicuously redistributes wealth from the working class to the wealthy with surprising frequency, as it does when it collects a donation
What are Section 501(c)(3) organizations.
Organizations or foundations that can take advantage of a special allowance federal tax exemption. specifically those that are considered public charities, private foundations or private operating foundations.
And how is that hurtful to lower and middle class?
When one makes a donation to this type of charity, you are able to reduce your taxes by the amount of the contibution. so that takes money from the public treasurey that funds programs for the needy.
How does it help the wealthy?
Contributions made to something like to Harvard, go to the university’s endowment. They have accululated $25 Billion. Which supports progams for the donars wealthy children who attend Harvard.
So it is better to be a MEMBER instead of just dontating? Then, I can be a part of what they do with their ‘surplus’
Well, Membership is usually meangingless. You send the money, they send a membership card. You have no say so over what the group does.
In what other ways would a non-profit hurt people of business?
Girlscout cookies, they sell $700 Million, they pay no tax, and they pay no salary. A company like Kleeber is a competitor, they pay both tax and salaries. How is this fair?