Unit 3: What are the consequences of climate change? Flashcards
Consequences of Climate Change in the Atmosphere
- Rise in Global mean temperature
- Changes in climatic zones
- Changes in precipitation patterns
- more frequent extreme weather events
changes in climatic zones
- climatic zones extend poleward
- tropical areas -> EXPAND poleward -> temperate area
- temperate areas -> SHIFT poleward -> tropical area
- polar areas shrink
- dry regions -> increase
changes in precipitation patterns
rising temperature -> increase evaporation rates
1. warmer air can hold more moisture -> more precipitation in some moist tropical areas + high latitude areas
2. high evaporation rate -> dry out the land quickly -> dry air -> less precipitation in dry regions in mid-latitude areas + semi-arid tropical areas
more frequent extreme weather events
- warmer oceans -> more evaporation + condensation -> more common + intense tropical cyclones
- storm surges
- heat waves and wildfires
- cold spells
- rising sea level -> greater + frequent storm surges -> more precipitation in some places
-» flooding - drought (more severe and long lasting)
how flooding is caused
- rising sea level
- greater + frequent storm surges
- more precipitation in some places
-» flooding
storm surges meaning
abnormal rise in seawater during a storm
why there are changes in precipitation patterns
climate change -> shift in air + ocean currents -> change in precipitation patterns
Consequences of Climate Change in the Hydrosphere
- Retreat and disappearance of glaciers
- Melting of sea ice
- Disruption of ice shelf (e.g. Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica)
- Melting of Ice sheet -> rising sea level
- Ocean acidification
- Rising sea level
Retreat and disappearance of glaciers
short term:
melting of glaciers -> river flow decreases
long term:
glaciers depleted -> river flow decreases
melting of sea ice example
floating ice in the arctic ocean disappears
melting of ice sheet
melting of greenland + antarctic ice sheet -> rising sea level
ocean acidification
increasing co2 from global warming -> oceans absorb more co2 (co2 is slightly acidic) -> PH value of ocean lowers
rising sea level cause
meltwater running into the ocean + thermal expansion of seawater
Consequences of Climate Change in the Lithosphere
- Inundation of low-lying coastal areas and islands
- Salinisation
- More serious wave erosion
- Loss of global coastal wetland
- Melting of frozen ground / permafrost
reasons of inundation of low-lying coastal areas and islands
- melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice and snow
- thermal expansion of water
examples of inundation of low-lying coastal areas and islands
- Maldives
- Turela
- Bangladesh
Salinisation in hydrosphere
- rising sea level
- intrusion of sea water + salinisation of ground water supplies
where is erosion more serious
at the coast
melting of frozen ground / permafrost…
- release co2 + methane into the atmosphere
- increase slope instability
Consequences of Climate Change in the Biosphere
- Shift of distribution of plants
- Extinction of species
- Desertification
- Hill Fires
Shift in distribution of plants
- deserts expand -> semi-arid region
1. increasing temperature
2. soil degradation
3. decreasing rainfall
- tropical rainfalls -> savanna / degrade to desert (e.g. Amazon Basin)
- Forests (tree line) expand poleward / into highland areas
- area of tundra shrinks
- northern high latitudes -> native plants cannot adapt to warmer climates -> cannot survive -> less plants in Northern high latitudes
where do forest expands as a result of global warming
polewards / into highland areas
why do tropical rainfalls degrade and what do they turn into due to global warming
- increasing temperature
- soil degradation
- decreasing rainfall
-> turn into savanna / degrade into deserts
e.g. amazon basin
why are there less plants in northern high latitudes due to global warming
global warming -> northern high latitudes -> native plants cannot adapt to warmer climates -> cannot survive -> less plants in Northern high latitudes
why has there been more common + intense tropical cyclones
global warming -> warmer oceans -> more evaporation + condensation -> more common + intense tropical cyclones
extinction of species due to global warming ___
- increases risk of some species and rapid growth of others
- disturb food chain
- destroys the ecosystem
- inundate coastal habitats
warmer ocean temperature -> death of algae on corals -> coral bleaching -> reduce habitats -> disrupt food chain -> disrupt ecological balance
examples of extinct animals
- king penguin in the Antarctic region
- polar bears
examples of inundated coastal habitats
- mangrove
- beaches
- marshes
- mudflats
how is the ecological balance disrupted due to global warming
global warming -> warmer ocean temperature -> death of algae on corals -> coral bleaching -> reduce habitats -> disrupt food chain -> disrupt ecological balance
global warming -> higher evaporation rate -> dry soil
- unfavourable to vegetation growth
how desertification leads to climate change / drought
-> land degradation ->
-> loss of vegetation ->
-> decreased:
1. evapotranspiration
2. cloud formation
3. absorption of Co2
how climate change / drought leads to desertification
long term change of climate towards aridity
-> temperature rises + high evaporation ->
-> 1. water table decrease (drop)
2. soil moisture deficit
3. decrease of condensation and rainfall ->
-> loss of protective vegetation cover
-> increase in soil erosion
hill fires in biosphere
- reduces total area of vegetation
less evaporation + transpiration -> intensify drought
how are droughts intensified
less evaporation + transpiration
Consequences of Climate Change socio-economically
- migration of people
- agriculture + food supply
- freshwater supply
- health issues
- tourism
- infrastructure + navigation
reasons of migration of people
- inundate coastal lowlands
- intensified coastal erosion
- more storm surges
- coastal flooding
negative climate change impacts on agriculture and food supply
- loss of soil moisture due to higher evaporation rate
- lower land productivity
- desertification -> decrease arable land
- inundate coastal farmland
- warmer + shorter winter -> active pests
- more frequent flooding + drought
- greater threat to countries who are already suffering from food shortage (e.g. the Sahel)
positive climate change impacts on agriculture and food supply
- extends the growing season + frost free period in middle + high latitude areas (e.g. Russia + NE China)
- increase crop varieties in middle + high latitude areas
climate change on freshwater supply
decrease of precipitation -> increasing evaporation rate -> shrinking of irrigations + ice caps (long run)
-» decrease of freshwater supply
- intrusion of seawater into freshwater aquifers in coastal areas -> groundwater too salty for drinking or irrigation
- ease water shortage problems in some areas with increasing precipitation (positive impact!)
melted ice caps and glaciers from the Himalayas -> decreased irrigation water supply -> disrupt farming activities along Ganges River
how is freshwater supply decreased
- decrease of precipitation
- increasing evaporation rate
- shrinking of irrigations + ice caps (long run)
-> decrease of freshwater supply
global warming on health issues
- change distribution patterns on
1. parasites
2. bacteria
3. carriers of infectious diseases
e.g. dengue + malaria spreading to temperate areas - heat-related health problems
- fewer cold-related health problems (positive impact!)
global warming on tourism
- shorter ski season + decreasing snow cover on mountains -> disrupt winter tourism + skiing industry
- disrupt tourism in countries with more frequent heat waves
- coral bleaching -> less attractive for tourists
global warming on infrastructure + navigation
global warming -> melting of permafrost -> reduce stability of buildings + roads + pipelines
-disrupt transport
- large ice blocks breaking off from ice glaciers / ice shelves -> threat of ships around North Atlantic + Antarctica
positive impacts in Arctic:
1. shorter shipping routes -> new shipping lanes
2. tap oil + fisheries + mineral resources
how species go extinct due to global warming
- climatic changes -> some species unable to adapt to climate changes
- rise in sea levels -> inundates coastal habitats -> loss of living and breeding grounds for some species
-»_space; mass die off of some species -> local or global extinction of certain species -> biodiversity decreased -> food chain breaks down -> ecosystem destroyed
-> extinction
coral bleaching in ecosystems
water temperature rise -> coral bleaching -> marine life loses food and shelter -> loss of marine habitats -> mass die-offs of some marine animals -> disrupts balance of marine ecosystems
changes in precipitation patterns: why do some places have MORE precipitation?