unit 3 test Flashcards
Mining the resource
exploiting a renewable resource in an unsustainable way
Sustained yield management
the process of managing a renewable resource to ensure that the amount harvested does not causes long-term deletion of the resource. The harvest is equal to or less than the amount replenished each year.
Old-growth Forest
a forest that has never been logged
fish fishing
Inshore fishery
commercial fishing carried out close to shore in small, independently owned boats.
Offshore fishery
commercial fishing carried out further from shore in larger company-owned boats.
Absolute measure
A quantity of something using simple units using kilometers, dollars, or number of people.
Relative measure
A quantity of something compared to the quantity of something else using units such as parentage or ratios (ex. People per square km)
Continental shelf
the part of the ocean that is next to the continents, usually less than 200 meters deep.
the shallow part of the continental shelf that is good for fishing.
growing degree days
Involves relatively small areas of land
Requires large amounts of labor
Is located near large urban areas and produces products such as dairy products for the nearby large population
Involves large areas of land
Requires relatively small amount of labor
Produces products such as wheat and cooking oil for export
groundfish description
Fish that feed and are caught near the ocean floor
shellfish description
Animals without backbones but with hard, p0rotective shells
Pelagic fish description
Fish that feed and are caught near the surface Animals without backbones but with hard, p0rotective shells