Unit 3: Somitogenesis Flashcards
What are the 3 adult vertebrate derivates of somites ?
- Axial skeleton
- Skeletal muscle
- Dermis
Which germ layer gives rise to somites ?
Paraxial mesoderm
What are the 6 steps in somite generation ?
1) Gastrulation
2) Mesoderm
3) Paraxial mesoderm
4) Presomitic mesoderm
5) Somitomeres
6) Somites
What part of the somite is epithelial ?
The outside
What part of the somite is mesodermal ?
The inside
What processes are important in somitogenesis (3) ?
- Cell division
- Mesenchymal to epithelial transition
- Fate restriction
What can cell division in the presomatic mesoderm provide ?
It provides more tissue that is able to differentiate into somites
Does the length of presomatic mesoderm stay constant during cell division ?
Yes it does
What is Fgf8 ?
A signalling molecule that is expressed in cells around the node
Where are low levels of Fgf8 expressed ?
Rostral/ anterior
Where are high levels of Fgf8 expressed ?
Caudal/ posterior
What would happen if Fgf8 expression was lower ?
The first somites would develop closer to hensens node
Do adjacent tissues influence somitogenesis ?
No, environment is not important
Is the number of cells in the presomitic mesoderm important ?
No, if you remove a slice of presomitic mesoderm somites still form at normal rate- only smaller in size
What evidence shows that somite cell identity is already determined in the presomitic mesoderm ?
An experiment done shows that the identity of somites swapped when pre somitic mesoderm was inverted. e.g. posterior tissues formed posterior vertebrae