Unit 3 People Flashcards
The purpose of human resources function
Businesses create a personell plan including:
- how many workers it needs to employ
- the type of workers it needs - skilled or unskilled, managers, full time or part time, where they will work and what time they will work
- how the business will get the best out of its workers
Tall and Flat Organisational Structure Definition
Tall: structures that have many layers of staff from top to bottom
Flat: will only have a few layers, maybe as little as two or three. There may be a board of directors at the top, one layer of management and the shop floor workers
Advantages and Disadvantages of tall organisational structures
- Clear lines of communication from the people at the top to the people at the bottom of the organisation
- Managers tend to have only a few people that they are responsible for
- There will be more opportunity to gain promotions in the organisation, can be good for motivation
- subordinates may feel they are too controlled by their line manager which can stifle creativity and motivation
- workers may only talk to immediate colleagues and may be less sympathetic or supportive to workers in other areas of the business
Advantages and Disadvantages of flat organisational structures
- Managers tend to delegate responsibilities to the workers they have responsibility for, good for motivation
- Workers are likely to talk to a wider range of colleagues, which is good for developing new ideas
- Not always clear lines of communication meaning workers may miss out on key information
- Managers have a large span of control, making it difficult to manage them all
- Promotion opportunities may be few, reducing motivation
Subordinate Def.
Workers that a line manager is responsible for
Delegation def.
A process where a manager gives a subordinate responsibility to make certain decisions, but the manager is ultimately responsible for
Chain of command def.
The link in authority from those at the top (most authority) to those at the bottom (least authority)
Span of control
The number of subordinates that a manager has authority over
Full-time working
(def, adv, disadv to the business)
when a person works 35 hours or more per week
The worker is permanently available for the business
The business may have to pay a worker at a time when no work needs to be done
Part-time working
(def, adv, disadv to the business)
def: When a person works less than 35 hours a week
adv: The worker can be asked to work at specific times needed by the business
disadv: The business may have to train many more workers than if it employed only full-time workers
Flexible working
(def, adv, disadv to the business)
def: The practice of people working partly at their place of work and partly elsewhere (e.g at home or while they are moblie)
adv: The business may benefit from motivated workers who like the flexibility of when they will work
disadv: The worker may not be available to work when needed by the business
Temporary working
(def, adv, disadv to the business)
def: when a person only works for a short period of time for an employer, sometimes on a short-term contract or on day-to-day basis
adv: business only needs to employ workers for the length of time they need them (e.g harvesting time)
disadv: The business may find it difficult to recruit enough workers at times when they are needed
Working from home
(def, adv, disadv to the business)
def: when a person completes work for a business or themselves in their home
adv: the business may save costs by not having to provide office space
disadv: workers may not communicate with each other very well, reducing their efficiency
Working while mobile
(def, adv, disadv to the business)
def: when people work while they are on the move, travelling or on holiday
adv: the business benefits from the increased productivity of the worker
disadv: the business may not be able to monitor that the worker is working as much as he or she should
(def, adv, disadv to the business)
adv: businesses often like to use self-employed contractors to do work for them because they only need them for a specific joband they do not need to pay national insurance or pension contributions for them
disadv: the self-employed person may not work in the way that the business’ own employees are trained to
Full-time working
(adv, disadv to the worker)
Adv: The worker is paid for a full working week
Disadv: The worker is tied to working a full working week throughout the year (except for holiday periods)
Part-time working
(adv, disadv to the worker)
Adv: The worker can work when it suits them, for example, during the hours their children are in school
Disadv: The worker will only get paid for the hours they worl and this may mean less money than they need or want. May have to get a second job