Unit 3: Origins of Government Flashcards
Limited Government
- Government power is limited by the people. Individuals have rights that the government cannot take away.
Ex. Nobles can choose wheher or not to send their soldiers to war NOT the government
Magna Carta
- Helf people in power accountable
- Gave birth to Limited Government. There are some things that the government is NOT allowed to do. And the people have rights that the government CANNOT take away
- Established principels that the monarch’s power is not absolute
- No taxation without representation (was created by nobles because they wanted more power and didn’t want to pay taxes that they didn’t agree with)
- Due process rights for he accused (everyone is due he same steps of criminal process)
- Trial by Jury (it should not be up to a King or Queen to decide innoncence it should be by peers)
Petition of Rights
- Established the citizens’ right to petition (complain) to the monarch for change
- Came from the time of Hobbes (saw people murder the king)
Why is it important?
- If they are going to accurately represent us, we need to say if something is right or wrong (if you were arrested for complaining aganst higher taxes, the repreentation would have never known) Tell them what they are doing wrong
Habeas Corpus
- Given by the petition fo rights
- People cannot be wrongfully imprisoned without breaking a law nad having a jury trial
- Even the monarch was included - challenged the divine right of kings APPLIED TO EVERYONE
- Kings and Queen can break laws, when it was originally thought that they were doing God’s work
- If the government punished someone there must be a good reas AND PROOOOOOOF
English Bill of Rights
- Established Parliament’s power over the monarch
- John Locke time (people are good with or withou major government figure, people are good)
- The eleced Parliament has more power than the monarch does!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Deal, they still had power but they had to share he power with the representaives of the people
Other Rights/Laws Established with the ENglish Bill of Rights
- Free Parliament elections
- No Martial law (when we have a civilian police force we have some kind of civilian power so we can vote in new people are change those in power, we cannot make change with the military and it is difficult to protest because they have a lot of weaponry
- Only Parliament can create axes (not the king and queen, this is important because Parliament was elected, the people can convince Parliament to listen to what they want, in comparison to talking to the monarchy
- No excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishments (drowining, extremely cruel punishment, burning)
- Prosecuting someone for questioning the government is illegal (free speech)(People CAN complain about the government, they can COMPLAIN and there is no punishment)
Albany Plan of Union
Instances of Colonia Unity
- Colonies agree to work together for the common defense, as they don’t rust the British (their own government) to protect them
- Think Locke, RIGHT TO REBEL
- Britain had the greatest navy in he world and was so focused on proecting trade, so the colonists felt that their safety was being ignored . Especially with the war occuring
- They agreed that insead of waiting for the British Military they should instill the common defense, they decide to form their own continental army to proect themselves
Stamp Act Congress
Instances of Colonial Unity
- Representatives from the colonies agree to boycott their government taxes on stamps in order to force chnge (taxed printed goods, work documents, letters, etc.)
- Think about the RIGHT TO PETITION, social contract
- A majority of Americans colonies boycoted, this is an example of colonial unity, it cost the British a LOTTTTTTT of money. They then got the stamp act overturned
- SHOWS HOW when they work together hey can get the British government to change their policies
1st Continental Congress
- Philadelphia 1774 in response to the Intolerable Acts. Informed the King of the colonies’ protests and organized boycotts of British goods. Targeted the British economy in exchange for self-government
- Intolerable Acts: Passed after he Boston tea party, the government said that the port was closed until the Indian company was paid back (a lot of government had stocks in tea). Tea and the Boston Harbor was the lifeline of the British
- The relationship between America and British delegated because of the Intolerable Acts
- An example of colonial unity because people came together to change their relationships with the British, they sent a petition and an olive branch
- They went after timber and other areas because people came together to change their relationships with he British, they send a petition and an olive branch
- They went after timber and other areas because they wanted more government, because it was taken away by the people
2nd Continental Congress
- Philadelphia 1775
- Wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Cut the ties with Great Britain
- Established America as independent through the social conract theory - he people choose their government
Popular Sovereignty
- The people are the source of political power
Instances of Colonial Unity
2 answers
- Signs of a Social Contract Government
- Albany Plan of Union
- Stamp Act Congress
July 2, 1776
- 2nd Continental Congress agrees to declare independence from Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson prevens his declaration for approcal. It is signed July 4, 1776, after much debae, creating a new nation
July 4, 1776
- Declaration of Independence is signed, creating the United Statesof America. Key aspects of the Declaration
- All men are endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
- Governments are creae by the people, get their power from the people, and must be dissolved by the people if it becomes abusive
- Body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures, and processess of their governments
- There would not be a US Constitution for several years. In the interim, each of the 13 colonies wrote and passed their own (The 13 colonies all had to rip up their royal charters and pass new constitutions to govern