unit 3: Neurophysiology and neural communication Flashcards
Chemical gradient
responsible for the movement of particles from one side to other of a semipermeable membrane. It depends on the final concentration of each particle on both sides
Electrical gradient:
responsible for the movement of charged particles from one side to the other of a semipermeable membrane. It depends on the final balance of electrical charges in each compartment
Electrochemical gradient:
Responsible for the movement of particles from one side to the other of a semipermeable membrane. It depends on the final balance of charges and concentration, on both compartments
ionic channels
Membrane proteins that allow the passing of ions (NA+, K+, Cl, etc) from one side of the membrane to the other
2 types of ionic channels
two types depending on the conformation of the inner pore
- Passive channels: they are always open
- Gated channels:
They can be either open or closed
Gating depends on the type of channel
Ligand-gated channels
Semipermeable membrane
only allows the passing of certain molecules
Selective permeability
Depends on
The electrochemical gradient of ions
The channels present on the membrane
The open or closed state of those channels
excitable cells
can change their membrane potential in response to stimuli
how do ionic movement across the membrane happen - 3
Chemical or concentration gradients elicit ionic movement across the membrane. This induces an uneven charge distribution across the membrane, generating also an electrical gradient
Chemical gradient + electrical gradient = electrochemical gradient
The electrochemical gradient generates an electrical potential that is called resting membrane potential
Equilibrium potential:
Potassium moves outwards according to its concentration gradient but this is against its electrical gradient (is + and goes to the positive side)
K+ equilibrium potential: potential value when the concentration and electrical gradients are even
Sodium moves inwards according to its concentration gradient, and this is also down its electrical gradient (is + and goes to the negative side)
Na+ equilibrium potential: potential value when the concentration and electrical gradients are even
Characteristics of the action potential:
Excitable cells (neurons, muscle cells) are able to modify their resting membrane potential
These cells can generate an action potential in response to a stimulus that reaches a certain threshold
Threshold: voltage limit that has to be reached in the membrane to trigger an action potential
what is action potential
The action potential is a depolarizing voltage change (potential reaches more positive values than -70mV) but:
* Not all voltage changes are depolarizing
* Not all depolarizations are action potentials
how can potential change happen
The potential changes due to changes in the permeability of the membrane: gated channels open altering the basal permeability
types of potential changes
Depolarization: voltage change that turns the potential more positive than -70mV
Hyperpolarization: voltage change that turns the potential more negative than -70mV
Repolarization: voltage change that returns the potential to resting values -70mV
voltage gated channels
- located on the axon
- only open when a neuron needs to propogate info to the following cell (neuron or not)
“All or none” principle: - 2
- Once the threshold is reached, the shape, amplitude and duration of action potentials is always the same, disregarding the intensity of the stimulus. Stronger stimuli increase the triggering frequency, not the amplitude, that is always 100 mV
- The amplitude does not diminish with the propagation
- Resting membrane potential
- Depolarizing stimulus (effect of the neurotransmitters received by the dendrites, enough depolarization to reach the threshold)
- At the threshold (-55 mV) voltage-gated Na+ channels open increase permeability
- Rapid Na+ entry (down electrochemical gradient) depolarize the neuron up to + 30mV
- Voltage gated Na+ channels close and voltage-gated K+ channels open. K+ moves outwards down its chemical gradient. Repolarization begins
- K+ moves outwards looking for its equilibrium potential (-90mV)
- When the potential reaches the resting value (-70 mV), K+ channels close but slowly, so K+ can still move out of the neuron, driving the hyperpolarization
- Slow voltage-gated K+ channels are already closed, so less K+ goes out of the neuron. The Na+/K+ pump drives a second repolarization
- The neuron recovers its resting permeability (only non-gated channels are open now) and the Na+/K+ pump restores the resting membrane potential
refractory period:
- minimum period of time that prevents the generation of a second action potential before the first one has finished
- When an area of the membrane is triggering an action potential, it becomes refractory: unable to respond to a second stimulus
2 sub periods within the refractory period
- Absolute: (blue)
a. Voltage gated NA+ channels are closed and inactive (unable to open)
b. There can’t be a depolarization so the neuron cant trigger a second action potential - Relative: (orange)
a. Due to continuous outflow of K+ during hyperpolarization.
b. Voltage gated Na+ channels are closed but can be opened
c. The neuron can trigger a second action potential if the stimulus is stronger than the first one (enough to reach the threshold, that is now farther)
propagation or conduction
After an action potential is triggered in the axon hillock, it has to travel along the axon until it reaches the axon terminal, where the neurotransmitter vesicles are stored
Propagation of the electrical signal:
only happens in one direction (from axon hillock to axon terminal) thanks to the refractory period
Propagation speed is directly related to:
* Axon diameter. More diameter higher speed
* Myelination - coats axon to speed up the propagation of the action potential
- what it is
- produced where
- the different cells that produce myelin and why
- coats axon to speed up the propagation of the action potential
- produced by certain glial cells
- Oligodendrocytes (CNS) prudces myelin for : the axons in the white matter - Each oligodendrocyte coats several axons
- schwann cells (pns) produces myelin: for motor axons - Each schwann cells coats only one axon
unmyelinated axons
he action potential has to regenerate in each portion of the axon, as the sodium-gated channels are equally distributed along. Slower propagation speed
The propagation follows one direction, down to the axon terminal, because the axon membrane proximal to the soma remains in refractory period, so depolarization can only occur distally
myelinated axons:
Myelin has insulating properties that prevent current leaks. Thus, where a myelin sheath is placed, the action potential can move from one naked area (node of ranvier) to the next without losing properties. Sodium-gated channels concentrated on these nodes to reinforce the depolarization and make the signal “jump” to the next node. This increases the propagation speed, as less action potentials are needed to reach the action