Unit 3: Multiple Option Strategies Flashcards
purchase of one option and sale of another option of the same class (ex: call spread and put spread)
call spread
long call and short call
put spread
long put and short put
price spread (vertical spread)
only difference is strike price
time spread (calendar/horizontal spread)
only difference is expiration date
diagnol spread
difference in both strike price and expiration date
Spreads - Bulls buy
calls and call spreads
Spreads - Bears buy
puts and put spreads
Spreads - Bulls sell
puts and put spreads
Spreads - Bears sell
calls and call spreads
net credit
opening transactions result in money flowing into account (sold the spread)
net debit
opening transactions result in money flowing out of account (bought the spread)
Bull spreads
Debit call spreads
Credit put spreads
Bear spreads
Debit put spreads
Credit call spreads
If no premiums are shown, highest premium will be
calls with lower strike price
puts with higher strike price
Debit call spreads (long call spreads)
Buys the call with the lower strike price and sells the call with the higher strike price
Debit put spreads (long put spreads)
Buys the put with the higher strike price and sells the put with the lower strike price
Credit call spreads (short call spreads)
Buys the call with the higher strike price and sells the call with the lower strike price
Credit put spreads (short put spreads)
Buys the put with lower strike price and sells the put with the higher strike price
difference between the premium of the two options
Credit spreads - maximum gain
initial credit
Credit spreads - maximum loss
difference between strike prices minus the credit
Debit spreads - maximum gain
difference between strike prices minus the debit
Debit spreads - maximum loss
initial debit
Call spreads - breakeven
CAL (calls add to lower) - add the net premium (debit or credit) to the lower strike price
Put spreads - breakeven
PSH (puts subtract from the higher) - subtract the net premium (debit or credit) from the higher strike price
Debit spreads profit
when both contracts are exercised
Credit spreads profit
when both contracts expire unexercised
purchase of a call and put or sell of a call and a put for same underlying security, strike price, and expiration
long straddle
purchase of a call and a put
short straddle
sale of a call and a put
long straddle objectives
objectives: expects price to be volatile but not sure which direction; not profitable in a stable market
long straddle - max gain
long straddle - max loss
combined premiums paid
long straddle - breakeven
2 breakeven points (one above strike price and one below strike price
Breakeven occurs when stock price is equal to strike price plus or minus combined premiums. Investor makes money if stock price is above or below breakeven points
short straddle objectives
objectives: expects stock price will not change much and will not move outside breakeven points
short straddle - max gain
combined premiums paid
short straddle - max loss
short straddle - breakeven
2 breakeven points (one above strike price and one below strike price
Breakeven occurs when stock price is equal to strike price plus or minus combined premiums. Investor makes money if stock price is in between breakeven points
Long stock/short straddle
To generate income in flat market, investor can buy stock and write an at-the-money straddle. If stock doesn’t move, both options expire and investor keeps premium
purchase of a call and put or sell of a call and a put for same underlying security, but have different strike price and/or expiration date
long combination
purchase of a call and put on same stock with different strike prices and/or expirations
short combination
sale of call and put on same stock with different strike prices and/or expirations
long combination objectives
long combinations can be used instead of long straddles when a sharp movement in stock price is expected
long combination - MG/ML/BE
Max gain - unlimited
Max Loss - combined premiums
Breakevens - premium + call strike price; premium - call strike price (makes money outside breakeven points)
short combination objectives
short combinations can be used instead of short straddles when no movement is expected in the market; wants options to expire in order to collect premium
short combination - MG/ML/BE
Max gain - combined premiums
Max Loss - unlimited
Breakevens - premium + call strike price; premium - call strike price (makes money when within breakeven points)
type of combination that can be long or short. An out of the money combination; good strategy if customer thinks there will be a large movement in near future but uncertain which way movement will be
Ratio call writing
also known as variable hedging; covered and uncovered writing
ex: owns 100 XYZ, writes 2 call contracts
objective is to increase premium income
Max gain - premiums received
Max loss - unlimited
Ratio put writing
the sale of more options than are purchased
Ratio call writing
writing more calls than are being bought
Butterfly spreads
an aggregation of three series of eiter puts or calls in the same underlying security, having 3 evenly spaced strike prices and expiring at the same time
Typically placed on volatile and more expensive stocks with strike prices 10,20, or 30 points apart